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Fw: Ajami alphabet and LTS

----- Original Message -----
From: Isaac Penzev
To: <conlang@hidden.email>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: Ajami alphabet and LTS

> OK, friends, here is the promised message about Ajami alphabet and LTS
> (Latin Translit Scheme). I hope this UTF-8 msg will come though the
> listserver unmessed.
> I expose the material in such manner: letter - name - LTS character -
> ASCII-friendy simulation when the character is out of its range -
> value(s) in CXS] - {notes}
> Alphabet
> ا - álef - (no) - (no) - (no sound) - {used as a carrier or a mater
> lectionis}
> ب - ba - b - [b], [B]
> پ - pa - p - [p]
> ت - ta - t - [t]
> ث - ta ĥafifa - t - [t]
> ج - jim - j - [dZ], [Z]
> چ - cim - c - [tS]
> ح - ĥa taqila - ĥ - h^ - [X]
> خ - ĥa ĥafifa - ĥ - h^ - [X]
> د - dal - d - [d], [D]
> ذ - dal ĥafifa - d - [d], [D]
> ر - ra - r - [4], [r]
> ز - zeyn - z - [z]
> ژ - ĵeyn - ĵ - j^ - [Z]
> س - sin - s - [s]
> ش - ŝin - ŝ - s^ - [S]
> ص - ċade - ċ - c' - [ts]
> ض - żade - ż - z' - [dz]
> ط - ta taqila - t - [t]
> ظ - ża - ż - z' - [dz]
> ع - eyn - ³ - 3 - (no sound) - {actual pronunciation may differ}
> غ - ġeyn - ġ - g' - [G]? {not yet sure}
> ف - fa - f - [f]
> ق - qaf taqila - q - [k], [g], [G]
> ک - kaf - k - [k]
> گ - gaf kon ĥatto - g - [g], [G]
> ل - lam - l - [l]
> م - mim - m - [m]
> ن - nun - n - [n]
> ه - ha - h - [h]; [Ø] {in this case called "ha maskuta" - silent ha}
> ة - ta marbuta - t - [t] {the same place in the alphabet as "ha"}
> و - waw - w - [gw], [w]
> ي - ya - y - [j]
> ء Ĥamza (both lonely and on a carrier) is rendered by character ² (2).
> Vowels
> َ- fatĥa - a [a]
> ِ- kasra - i [i] stressed, e [e] unstressed
> ُ- żamma - u [u] stressed, o [o] unstressed
> Vowels with matres lectionis:
>  - fatĥa álef - a [a]
>  - fatĥa waw - ow [Ow]
>  - fatĥa ya - ey [Ej]
>  - kasra ya - i [i]
>  - żamma waw - u [u]
>  - ya fatĥa - ie [jE]
>  - waw fatĥa - ue [wE]
> ي - ya moċáwweta (i.e. vocal) - e [E], in final position written as ی -
> nuda" (naked ya)
> و - waw moċáwweta - e [O].
> In ASCII-friendly scheme vowels with acutes denoting accent place (á, í
> etc.) are written as vowel+apostrophe (a', i' etc.)
> At the end, I have a couple of technical questions. Please reply offlist,
> you are interested in Ajami:
> - does your mailer/browser support Latin-3 (iso-8859-3) encoding? It has
> additional LTS characters!
> - does your mailer/browser support Arabic Win-1256 encoding? If not, what
> Aarbic encoding can it handle?
> I need to know it in order to avoid sending msgs about Ajami in UTF-8.
> Truly yours,
> -- Yitzik (Esĥaq el-Kuyawiyo)