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I was going through my Carrajena word lists and found
_jumbra_ meaning carpet, which I created for one of
the weekly vocabulary exercizes way back when.  I
formed this word based on the Spanish _alfombra_ which
my Spanish etymology tells me:

árabe _al-jumra_ 'la alfombra', de _al-_ 'la, el' +
_jumra_ 'alfombra; estera de hoja de palmera' (raíz:
_jmr_ 'cubrir, ocultar').  

Now I'm thinking I've made a big boo-boo here.  This
_j_ in the Spanish transcription probably doesn't
represent /Z/ as is often the case in English
transcriptions of Arabic, but /x/ or some such closer
to Spanish spelling rules.  So I went to various
paltry Arabic sources I own, and I don't see _jumra_
in any of them!  What is this word?

My _Peace Corps English-Tunisian Arabic Dictionary_
_zarbiyyá_ (which is neat and whould give _zarvija_ or
some such).  Lonely Planet's _Egyptian Arabic
Phrasebook_ by Siona Jenkins has _siggaada_; the one
by Scot Wayne, et al. has _seggæda_.  Their _Moroccan
Arabic Phrasebook_ has _zerbeeya_.  Hippocrene's
_English-Arabic Arabic-English Concise Romanized
Dictionary for the Spoken Arabic of Egypt and Syria_
(what an inconcise title!) has _sijjâdi_ for Syrian
and _saggâda_ for Egyptian.  Their _Eastern
Arabic-English English-Eastern Arabic Dictionary and
Phrasebook for the Spoken Arabic of Jordan, Lebanon,
Palestine/Israel and Syria_ (at least they didn't call
it "concise"!) has _sijaade_.  _Spoken Arabic in Saudi
Arabia_ has _sig-GA-da_. _Handbook of Kuwaiti Arabic_
has _zuuliyya_ and _zall_.

None of these words seem at all connected to the word
quoted in the Spanish etymology.  Help!

And while we're on the subject, what is the Hebrew
(Biblical period preferably, Talmudic okay) for
carpet?  It doesn't seem to appear in the Old
Testament so I can't find it.

Anyone know the Phoenecian/Punic just off hand?  I
understand Carthage had quite a carpet industry going
in the Roman period.


Idavi avins patorrechi djinerachunis djul Avramu ad ul Davidu ed avins patorrechi djinerachunis djil deporrachuni in al Baviluña ad ul Cristu.

Machu 1:17