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I notice while retrieved my posted comments on Emegali that the various outcomes of V + glide in a closed syllable has created dialects. So here they are: Original combinations: ai au iy iw uy uw Dialect 1: e: o: e: e: o: o: Dialect 2 (my current favorite): e: o: i: i\: i\: u: Dialect 3: e: o: i: i? u? u: Dialect 4: a? a? i? i? u? u? Thus the pattern iSkun, taSkun for these dialects would be, with the root y-m-y `speak' 1: e:mo:, te:mo: 2: I:mi\:, te:mi\: 3: I:mu?, te:mu? 4: I?mu?, ta?mu?