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Re: [westasianconlangs] Raamaniyaan Grand Master Plan

Very interesting.  I'm looking forward to seeing a
text.  Any idea how far off that might be?

--- Benct Philip Jonsson <melroch@hidden.email> wrote:
> Raamaniyaan Grand Master Plan
> As for the vowel changes I'm not yet fully satisfied
> with
> them.  In particular /u/ will still be far too rare.

I end up with a lot of /u/ in Carrajena since /o/
becomes /u/ before a nasal other than /m/ and between
any two nasals.  Also initial Latin AU became /u/ in
proto-C-a (medial tonic and nontonic AU do other
things), but probably the largest number of new |u|'s
come from Latin L in clusters though it usually ends
up as /w/.

> Examples:
> totus > taad 'whole'
> ventus > bond
> vocem > baaz
> volatilis > uledel
> volvitare > ulvedaar
> vomicare > umigaar
> vulturius > ulduzh

You skiped Latin U.  How would words like ubero, udo,
ulcero, ullatenus, umbilicaris, uncialis, urbicarius,
usiatio, uterque, uva, uxoratus turn out?

Adam the curious

Indjindrud edjuebu ul Josias ad ul Jeconias ed ils sus frarris in il deporrachuni in al Baviluña, ed debostu il deporrachuni in al Baviluña, indjindrud ul Jeconias ad ul Salatil.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Salatiel ad ul Zorubaviu.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Zorobaviu ad ul Abiud.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Abiud ad ul Eliacim.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliacim ad ul Azor.    

Machu 1:11-13