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*conlang (transferred)

Katav Carl Edlund Anderson b'Celticonlang:

> At 23:05 18/12/2003, Isaac Penzev wrote:
> >Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
> > > I'd also be interested to see if anyone had been working on Semitic
> > > conlangs: Punic and the like :)  I remember scrounging around looking for
> > > info on such things a while back, but didn't come up with much.
> >
> >I plan to do it in nearest future: I've got a photocopy of Ugaritic and
> >Phoenician grammar sketches as a Chanukah gift, so now I'm quite equipped for
> >this adventure. But not now: it's already 1:03am in Kiev :((
> Well, I found the local university library has some Urgartic and Phoenician
> grammar books as well,

I plan to use also Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and I'd like to use smth Ethiopic
(Ge'ez or Amharic) if I could find any material.

> so I'll have to check that out when I can (though
> probably _after_ I return from holiday visits to family in South
> America).

Good. I can wait a bit. My mother-in-law is coming to visit us tomorrow morning.
I leave the picture to your imagination :))

> Cheers,
> Carl

-- Yitzik