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On Fri, 11 Jul 2003 13:43:15 +0200 "Pavel Adamek" <pavel.adamek@hidden.email> writes: > What meaning have the names of the remaining letters? > 9>a:LeF "a bull" > B:e:ET (B:>aJiT "a house", st.c. B:e:ET) > G:>iMeL (G:a:Ma:L "a camel")? - All of these are If I Remember Correctly: yup, i think so. > D:>a:LeT (D:>eLeT "a door")? - yup. > He:9 > Wa:W - hook or nail > Z>aJiN - weapon > H.e:ET - i remember hearing it means 'wall' or 'ladder' > T.e:ET > JOo:D (Ja:D "a hand")? - yup > K:aF - palm > L>a:MeD - i remember hearing some kind of stick > Me:EM (M>aJiM "water") > NU:N > S>a:MaK° - fish > 6>aJiN "an eye; a well" > P:e:9 - mouth > C>a:De:E > QOo:F - monkey? > Re:E? (R9o:? "a head")? - yup > ?i:IN "a tooth" > T:a:W - mark -Stephen (Steg) "no time for a sig" ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!