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Re: [westasianconlangs] Howdy

Makdamo be-kheiro, David, salám aleikom! (=welcome!)
Sómos falítzos se-bér a' Ostád ákí / We are glad to see you here

Eskríbíshe (you wrote):

<<<so I imagine I'm on here mostly for my Turkic language, Zhyler.>>>

Turkic? Sounds intriguing. Is it aposteriori / naturalistic Turkic, or
just apriori Turkic-styled?

<<<I've recently been thinking about a major overhaul (a slight
change, actually, but it'll take hours to change my dictionary), so
I'm hoping to get some feedback on that.  I won't write about it now,
but it involves changing the infinitive ending I came up with to a
noun class.>>>

I don't think I understood your point, but, in fact, if the lang is
aposteriori, you have no much choice in infinitive endings. It would
be either -mak/-mäk, or -uu < -*G, depending on what tribe group
dominates: Oguzes or Kypchaks. In my now-dormant apost naturalistic
Kumanzha project infinitives end in -mak/-mek.

<<<I'm also working on an African-type language, but it's kind of West
African in origin, so it might not fit in.>>>

1. Well, we aren't so formalistic here...
2. And this part of the world is not yet covered with workshops...
3. Hausa and its relatives, btw, fit the picture...
4. If it is Kwa or Gur, see item 1...
5. Feel free and share. We're definitely non-IE, non-Tolkienoid here!

<<<Anyway, I look forward to talking about non-I.E., non-Tolkien
languages, for once.  ;)  >>>

See item 5.

<<<Hope y'all are having a good day.>>>

Me, personally, yes :) It was Shabbos and the last day of Chanukkah.

> -David
