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Salamaléikom, mis mokhtáramos rafikos! Pease be upon you, my estimated colleages! This is a copy of the message recently sent to another group. But I think it's a good starting point for our discussions. The message contains translation exercise proposed by Christian Thalmann >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is my first presentation of anything in Rumiya (aka Arabo-Romance). I beg you not to pronounce quick judgement upon this modest text I'd been working over for almost whole night. I also permitted myself to make several changes in comparison to the original text so that the phrases could fit the cultural background of the language. Here they are. Enjoy the oriental flavor! Line 1 is a fully vocalized transliteration of the text originally written in Arabic script (see the scheme). Line 2 is an Xsampa transcription. Line 3 is an interlinear. > 1) This tavern/bar isn't as good as it used to be. ;ystah qahwahriyyah Za; nw ;is ta;n bwanah kwmu ;yrah "Est6 k6hwe"4i:j6 Za nwes tam"bwEn6 "kOmo "E46 this.f.sn café already not be.3sn.Pres:irr like be.3sn.Impf:irr Note: I used here the word _k6hwe"ri:j6_ "café", because there are no places in Rumiya-speaking regions where one could publicly drink alcohol. > 2) What are you doing? I told you to leave them where they were! ky fa;d`is ? tidiySih kih lus diSa;ras nundih ista;ban "kE "fa:dzes | te"Di:Se kelosde"Sa:46s ,nunde"sta:B6n what do.2sn.Pres:irr(fullform) pron.2sn.obj+say.1sn.Pret that pron.3pl.obj leave.2sn.Impf.Subj where(place) stay.3pl.Impf I used subjunctive here to avoid two words with similar sounds _di:Se_ "said" and _de"Sa:r_ "to leave" standing too close. > 3) I would embrace the world if I could. Abra;s`a;riyyah ;al Ea;lamu siy pudriyyah aB4atsa"4i:j6l "?a:l6mo si po"D4i:j6 embrace.1sn.Pot def.m.sn universe if can.1sn.Pot > 4) The cat ate the mouse I gave her like a tiger [would]. kwmu ;uwn liyywn , kumyw la; gat`t`ah Ala; ra;tah kiy lAbiyyah da;du "kOmun li"jOn | ko"mEw la "gat:6 ala"ra:t6 ke la"Bi:j6 "da:Do like ind.m lion eat.3sn.Pret def.f.sn cat to+def.f.sn mouse that pron.3sn.dat+{give.1sn.Plusq}* Note 1: *a complex form Note 2: it would be, in fact, not a lion or tiger (tigers are alien in those places), but a mountain panther, but I had no time to find a good word for it. > 5) Yes, I've heard you, and no, I don't want to buy it. Ay , ;ih ;iskuwyta;du A ;usta;D ;iy , qasamu bis`yalus , nw ! nw kyaru lw kumpra;r "?aj | e:skuj"ta:Do ao"sta: i | "k6s6mo be"tsjElos "nO || no"kjE4o lokom"p4a:4 oh-yes {listen.1sn.Perf} to mister and oath by+heaven.pl not || not want.1sn.Pres:mutat pron.3sn.m.obj buy.Inf > 6) [1] Welcome! [2] Here's your room key. -- [3] Thank you. -- [4] You're welcome. [1] Ah , maqdamu bixayru , kariymu , sala;mEalaykum ! "a:h | "m6kd6mo be"xEj4o k6"4i:mo | s6,la:ma"lEjkom oh arrival by+benefit sir {peace-upon-you} [2] ;istu ;is la; ya:bih disuw ka;marah d;usta;D "istwes la"ja:Be desu"ka:m646 do"sta: this.n.sn be.3sn.Pres:irr def.f key of+pron.3sn.poss.sn room of+mister [3] SukraN "Suk46~ gratitude.[acc.Ar] [4] nw ba;lih ;al-Sukru no"Ba:le "S:uk4o not worth gratitude > 7) Sir, could I please have a glass of water? halla; pudriyyah ;alkariymu da;r ;amru kih mitra:Zan Amiy ;uwn kwpu dAgwah ,h6l:apo"D4i:j6l k6"4i:mo dar"?6mro ke me"t4a:Z6n uN"kOpo "da:gw6 whether-not can.3sn.Pot def.m+sir give.Inf command that pron.1sn.obj+bring-here.3pl.Pres.Subj ind.m. cup of+water Note: If you call somebody _k6"4i:mo_ "sir", you should not expect he would bring you water himself. That's why the phrase says "to command them (the servants) to bring" > 8) Your mother was a prostitute. (Or equally insulting idiom.) tuw ;irma;nah ;is fa;siqah ! twe4"ma:n6s "fa:sek6 pron.2sn.poss.sn sister be.3sn.Pres:irr one-who-commits-fornication.f.sn Note: If you say _?e4"ma:n6_ "sister", or _"fi:Z6_ "daughter" in such a phrase, you have a chance to survive (I s'pose). If you use _"ma:D4e_ "mother", you'll be definitely dead in a moment. And I'll try to give these phrases in practical romanization (it is NOT official and quite approximate) so that you could recite them smoothly to feel the air :-) 1. Esta kahwería zha no es tan buena komo era. 2. ¿Ké fadzes? ¡Te dishe ke los desharas nunde estaban! 3. Abratzaría el 'álamo si podría. 4. Komo un liyón, komeu la gatta a la rata ke le abía dado. 5. Ay, e eskuytado a Ostad, i, kásamo be tzielos, ¡no! no kiero lo komprar. 6. Ah, mákdamo be kheiro, karimo, ¡salamaléikom! Isto es la yabe de Su kámara de Ostad. -- Shukrã. -- No bale el shukro. 7. ¿Halla podría el karimo dar amro ke me trazhan a mí un kopo de agua? 8. ¡Tu ermana / fizha es fáseka! Mokhtáraman, Yitzik ~~~~~~~~~~~~~