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Re: [texperanto] Decisions & Questions


> Upon reflection, I've decided that "e" for "and" is a bad idea.  I
> think I'll go back to "kay".  For "or", I can't use "aw," because
> that is now the imperative ending.  I actually think that "kor" would
> be the way to go here.

> Other short words should not interfere with roots.  ...
> Me iras zu la domo.  Me iras zu dan la domo.  I like it.
        So do I.

> Same goes for Eo "el", meaning out of or from.  Possibilities are
> keeping el, or using ex (esh)or using eks, or Russian "iz", or
> squeezing two roots together and making it "del".  I'm actually
> inclined towards "del".
        I thik either 'iz' or 'del' is OK -- my preference is for 'iz.'

> Have to keep in mind that I'm trying to minimize the possiblity of
> misleading things like 'sukero,' not eliminate them entirely.  That,
> I'm sure, would warp T way too much.
        I've never shared the concern about the 'sukero' problem.  It seems
to me that spending much time and rebuilding everything to eliminate rare
difficulties is too wasteful.  After all, 'sukero' probably never would
appear outside a context that would make its meaning clear.  Still, it is
fun to play with wills-o'-the-wisp!

        Best regards and wishes,