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from>to | us | unz | is | inz | as | anz | up | umb | ip | imb | ap | amb |
P-s | (vi) | wi | vo | wo | vu | wu | zi | zwi | zo | zwo | zu | zwu |
P/F-s | yi | (vi) | yo | vo | yu | vu | zyi | zi | zyo | zo | zyu | zu |
AP-s | ve | we | (vi) | wi | vo | wo | ze | zwe | zi | zwi | zo | zwo |
AP/F-s | ye | ve | yi | (vi) | yo | vo | zye | ze | zyi | zi | zyo | zo |
A/P-s | va | wa | ve | we | (vi) | wi | za | zwa | ze | zwe | zi | zwi |
A/P/F-s | ya | va | ye | ve | yi | (vi) | zya | za | zye | ze | zyi | zi |
P-d | xi | xwi | xo | xwo | xu | xwu | (vi) | wi | vo | wo | vu | wu |
P/F-d | xyi | xi | xyo | xo | xyu | xu | yi | (vi) | yo | vo | yu | vu |
AP-d | xe | xwe | xi | xwi | xo | xwo | ve | we | (vi) | wi | vo | wo |
AP/F-d | xye | xe | xyi | xi | xyo | xo | ye | ve | yi | (vi) | yo | vo |
A/P-d | xa | xwa | xe | xwe | xi | xwi | va | wa | ve | we | (vi) | wi |
A/P/F-d | xya | xa | xye | xe | xyi | xi | ya | va | ye | ve | yi | (vi) |
s/d +/- F P|AP|A/P
x=>s w=>+F a = 2 lower [A/P > P]
z=>d y=>-F e = 1 lower [AP > P, A/P > AP]
0|v=no chng 0=no chng. i = no change
o = 1 higher [P > AP, AP > A/P]
"v" is used when only the u = 2 higher [P > A/P]
vowel changes, to provide a consonant.
I originally simply copied the L way into S-S, but kept hitting the lost info problem. The relative system solves that.
This is a lot of info and possibly not a very clear explanation, so ask me if you have more questions.
Cool. So, what does it mean to have a relative argument-changing system, as opposed to an absolute one?
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: Geoff Hacker <geoff.hacker@hidden.email>
- References:
- Saweli Dictionary
- From: geoff.hacker@hidden.email
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: geoff.hacker@hidden.email
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: MorphemeAddict <lytlesw@hidden.email>
- Re: [saweli] Saweli Dictionary
- From: geoff.hacker@hidden.email
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