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NSM in Saweli

Here is the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) primitives and their equivalents in Saweli.

I = yaras.
you = yasas (singular).
people = resu.
someone/person = res.
body = gabas.
think = vavab.
know = vaveb.
want = vafob.
feel = vehub, vavazub.
see = vehab.
hear = veheb.
say = tanlom, tanmom.
word = soxis.
true = yobanmek, xufak.
do = tuf, tunxwilof.
happen = yeb, xufanzap.
move = winzob, winzyob (tr.), xusep (intr.).
put = winzob.
go = tisep.
there is = xufap.
have = zanweb.
live = xepap.
die = xe'apanzap.
when/time = yengad/qus.
now = yarud.
before = ye'ad.
after = ye'od.
a long time = qubes.
a short time = qubos.
for some time = qubid?.
moment = qo'us.
where/place = wingad/kes, mus.
here = yarod.
above = wikod.
below = wi'akod.
far = votruk, wi'abed.
near = su'atruk, vo'atruk, wid, wi'abod, wi'abunmod.
side = wiklud, wiklunsaz.
inside = wimlod, wimlonsaz.
touching = wifud, wimid.
not = yozun.
maybe = yonmen.
can = tunxwidak.
because = zonjud.
if = zefler, zejror, zeslir, zetrur, zezor.
very = zobec.
more = wubek.
_one_ = zidrak.
two = zidek.
some = zik, zibik, zok.
all = zibak.
many/much = zibek.
good = vufok.
bad = vu'afok.
big = vubek.
small = vo'amik, vo'amlok, vu'abek.
(long) = vomek, vosak.
kind of = wuz.
part of = wucoz.
like = vigrig, vigrinjed.
this = yarik.
the same = wugik.
other = wu'agig.

"Long" is in parentheses because its status as a primitive is still tentative.
I haven't included "be" above.  It is on a list I saw recently, but it's new, and I don't know what the precise meaning intended for it is.

I'm not sure about "qubid" for 'for some time'.  "Qubis" means 'while, moderate period of time'.  Changing it to an adverb ("qubid") may not be enough to make it mean 'for some time'.
