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Re: [saweli] Fwd: [Latejami] Raikudu

MorphemeAddict wrote:
> How is Raikudu different from Latejami/Saweli?

Well, "Raikudu" could refer to a particular conlang with a phonology and
everything, or to the system of grammar and semantics I reuse throughout many
different sketches. I will switch between them here.

There is only productive derivation, no mnemonic such.

The whole classifier + mnemonic modifier = root system is absent from Raikudu,
though I have a few affixes such as augmentative and diminutive, which are
supposed to be productive.

There are also a number of particles that isn't it formally in Latejami, such
as "tomese": The passive voice normally remove an argument from the argument
structure, but in tomese it somehow catch the argument which was removed from
the main verb and add it to the case tag. It isn't how it usually works, so in
Raikudu they are particles.

Tense is not defined as default.

"I saw it and you will see it" could be expressed, when tense is unimportant,
as "pila čutai bala loče peta" (see I and you it). Aspect, too, isn't defined
as default at the moment, but I have concidered to have it defined.

There is no polysemy on morpheme level.

Latejami has AP and AP/F for state roots to be the same morphemes as A and A/F
for action roots. They are separate in Raikudu. Or the "essential quality and
ability" affix, which in e.g. "koponi" is the essential quality in itself, but
in "kopona" means to HAVE the quality. They have their own morphemes.

There is a three-way static/dynamic/not defined distinction, completely
separated from the argument structure. But even though the three-way
distinction is still present they are fused together in Raikudu, unlike many
other sketches.

sula(ši) (p/f-s) "know"
sulapu  (p/f-d)  "learn"
sulady  (p/f-n)  "realize"

Raikudu has four numbers: singular, dual, plural (at least three) and "unknown
number". Nouns are indefinite as default, instead of definite. The proper noun
and the mnemonic name affixes are merged into one.

"I" and singular "you" are morphologically marked. Other pronominal arguments
are expressed analytically as in Latejami.

I have a morphologically marked instrumental case. That is, it is marked on
the verb, which gives a instrument slot.

Maybe I just doesn't really understand the non-linking argument structures,
but my gut feeling is that busege represents the Utilitative case (4.6.11) in
Ithkuil grammar, and not the Instumental case (4.3.8). And since the
Instrumental case seems to be part of the NSM grammar I did what I did.


The lexicon is/will be different, except the similarities that are due to the
similar grammar, since it was never intended to be a relex.
(Well, I haven't implemented more than 28 roots in Raikudu, so this might be
an irrealis difference at the moment)

That's at least the differences that I could think of at the moment.


Here is where I intend the Raikudu grammar to be:
but it isn't more than a place holder so far.