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G words

gabas body, corpus, flesh and bones.
gabandak bodily, corporeal, physical.
gabapras corpse.
gacus flesh, tissue.
gafrusos throat.
gafus anus.
gahas eye, organ of vision.
gahaglus pupil [of the eye].
gahes ear.
gahemas earlobe.
gahis nose.
gahos tongue, taste organ.
gahus finger.
gahudras thumb.
gahukros toe.
gajus buttock, rear, hind-end, ass.
gakas vulva.
gaklas genitals, sex organ.
gaklos head.
gakos nostril.
gakras penis.
gakros foot [body part].
gakroprus paw, animal foot.
gakrotis ankle.
gakrus back [body region].
gakrumas tail.
gakyusos gum (oral).
gamamras sting(er).
gamehas eyelash.
gamehakos eyebrow.
gamles leg, supporting body limb.
gamlejus knee.
gamlekus lap (area of upper legs when seated).
gamletis hip, joint area between pelvis and upper leg.
gamlis arm, upper body limb.
gamlijus elbow.
gamlikos wing, pinion, limb for flying.
gamlitis shoulder.
gamlos hand, mitt, manipulatory organ of primates.
gamlokrus back (of hand).
gamlokus palm (of hand).
gamlotis wrist.
gamlotros fist.
gamos abdomen.
gamotis waist.
gamus chest [body section].
gapas breast, teat, mammary gland.
gapamas nipple.
gaplis clitoris.
gasekis fin.
gaslis vagina.
gates joint, juncture of two bones.
gatis neck [body part].
gatras skin.
gatrantop skin, remove the skin from.
gatrahas eyelid.
gavos stump, the part of an animal's appendage that remains after part has been cut off or removed.
gaxas face.
gaxakos forehead.
gaxakros chin.
gaxis mouth.
gaxigras lip.
gaxiklus cheek (of face).
gaxikos beak, bill [of a bird].
gaximlis jaw.
ga'agos liver.
ga'ahepros vocal cords, larynx, voice box.
ga'ajyafrijas pancreas.
ga'akas egg.
ga'akansas ovary.
ga'akis bladder, vesicle, sac, plant or animal organ that holds liquid.
ga'akikras prostate gland.
ga'akos lung.
ga'akras sperm.
ga'akransas testicle.
ga'amlas kidney.
ga'aslas heart.
ga'aslabus capillary.
ga'aslafrus vein.
ga'aslafus artery.
ga'aslis fetus.
ga'aslinsas uterus.
ga'asos stomach.
ga'asokos esophagus, gullet.
ga'asokros intestine.
ga'ates gland.
ga'avas brain.
ga'axlas nerve.
ga'axlis muscle.
ga'axlitis tendon.
ga'ubas corpse, body.
ga'ugrus coral.
ga'uklos horn [on an animal].
ga'uklocis antler.
ga'ukos feather, plume, quill.
ga'ukris bone.
ga'ukros skeleton.
ga'ukrus spine, backbone.
ga'umas spine, quill.
ga'umes hair.
ga'umentop shave, remove the hair from.
ga'umehis mustache.
ga'umeprus fur, fleece.
ga'umepruntop shear, remove fleece from.
ga'umexis beard.
ga'umis nail, fingernail, toenail.
ga'uses hoof.
ga'usos tooth.
ga'usobes fang, tusk, long sharp tooth.
ga'utras shell, carapace.
ga'uvas skull, cranium.
ga'uvos claw, talon.
ges organ, body-part.
geflas seed.
gegrus flower, blossom.
gejas berry.
gekris nut, pit, stone.
gekros root [of a plant].
gememas thorn.
gemles trunk [of a tree], bole.
gemlis limb, branch, bodily extension.
gemos bean, pulse.
gemokros tuber.
gemrus stem, stalk.
gepus leaf, frond.
geslis fruit.
gesos vegetable.
getras rind, skin.
getramles bark [of a tree].
getramos pod, hull, shell.
gevos stump, the part of a plant's trunk/stalk or branch that remains after part has been cut off or removed.
ge'ubus cell [biological].
ge'umlos nucleus, cell nucleus.
ge'utis enzyme.
ge'uves gene.
ge'uvendak genetic.
ge'uvecis chromosome.
ge'uxlis mitochondrion.
gis illness [sickness]*.
gicus disease.
gifus dysentery.
gigles cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma.
gigretros stroke, apoplexy attack.
gigya'aslas heart disease.
gijas diabetes (mellitus).
gijos cold, rheum, catarrh.
gijobes flu, influenza.
gikes hot [feeling], feeling hot.
gikegles fever.
giklos headache.
gikrekes malaria.
gikrenos chills, ague.
gislagres heart attack.
gisos stomachache, upset stomach.
gisres paralysis.
gixis laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx.
gixos writer's cramp.
gi'atagras claustrophobia.
gos sore, ulcer, chancre, welt, lesion.
goges ulcer.
gogles tumor.
gomos blister, boil.
gosas scar[, cicatrix, cicatrice].
gosras scab.
govlus rash.
govos wound, cut*.
govontep wound, cut*.
gus organism, life-form, being, living thing.
gubus microbe/microorganism.
guflas virus.
gufros germ.
guklos mushroom.
gupas ecosystem, environment.
guplas nature, all natural phenomena.
gupus alga.
gupubus bacterium.