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micus mevek zag mito{Beaverton}sa
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:08:40 EST
- Subject: micus mevek zag mito{Beaverton}sa
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
Here is a translation of a short excerpt from an arbitrary Wikipedia article. After the translation there is a vocabulary and a back-translation into English.
Micus mevek zag mito{Beaverton}sa
Micup mevec micus mevek zag mito{Beaverton}sa wig zusliz mito{Beaverton}sa zer mito{Portland}sa zuslus mitruk wig miziblo{Oregon}sa wig mizibe{USA}sa. Wugib icus micus mevek zidrekok wid miziblo{Oregon}sa zanweg wa'unzidas tefaflanwamek zok wugig revefrus zidredridrededruk zok yed qu'ubi{2005}sa.
Ye'ad zanweb micus sazagras xudrak zok wugig sezas zididridaxlidok zok yed qu'ubi{2004-05}sa. Wa'upronkab micus revefus zidedadradok zok wid zusliz mevebus zidredrak zer mevebos ziduk zer mevebis ziduk zuslus icuk.
icuk = the adjective anaphor of "icus"; here 'its' (the district's)
icus = anaphor pronoun for "micus"; here 'it', i.e., the district
mevebis = high school, secondary school.
mevebos = middle school.
mevebus = elementary school, grammar school, primary school, grade school.
mevec = pwm ('previous word modifier') of "meves"
mevek = adjective of "meves"
meves = school, educational institution.
micup = verb of "micus": "be a district, ..."
micus = district, region, territory, quarter.
mito{Beaverton}sa = the "mitos" named 'Beaverton'. (Properly speaking, Beaverton and Portland are not merely towns, but cities, so "mitobes" or even "mitobas". However I didn't want the Saweli names to be too unwieldy, so I limited them to just "mito{..}sa".)
mito{Portland}sa = the "mitos" named 'Portland'
mitos = town.
mitruk = the adjective of "mitrus"
mitrus = suburb.
mizibe{USA}sa = the "mizibes" named 'USA'
mizibes = nation, country.
miziblo{Oregon}sa = the "miziblos" named 'Oregon'
miziblos = state, province, prefecture.
qu'ubi{2005}sa = [the non-recurring year-long period named] 2005
revefrus = student, pupil.
revefus = teacher, instructor, educator.
sezas = dollar [unit of currency].
tefaflanwamek = closed adjective middle voice of "tefaflanwap"; here "estimated"
tefaflanwap = the focused form of "tefaflap"
tefaflap = estimate, make or form an estimate.
vig = of, about, for, referring to, having (something) to do with.
wa'unzidas = membership.
wa'upronkab = employ, have as an employee.
wid = at, in, near, with [locative].
wig = open adjective of "wid"
wugib = be, be equal to, be the same as.
wugig = of, same ... as/that.
xudrak = complete, undivided, whole, intact, together, total, plenary, undiminished.
yed = when, while, during, as, at [temporal], at the same time as.
zag = of (genitive), apostrophe-s, that (relative conjunction), which, who, relative clause linker.
zanweb = have, possess.
zanweg = with, having, possessing.
zer = and, plus.
zidedadradok = [the cardinal number] 2016
zididridaxlidok = the cardinal number "4 2 8 *10^ 6", i.e., 428 million
zidredrak = [the cardinal number] 31
zidredridrededruk = the cardinal number "3 5 3 2 9"
zidrekok = tertiary, third in importance, rank, or value; used for "third largest"
ziduk = [the cardinal number] 8
zok = a/an, some, any.
zuslig = [opening parenthesis].
zusliz = open noun of "zuslig"
zuslus = [closing parenthesis].
The school district of Beaverton
The school district of Beaverton is a school district in suburban (Beaverton and Portland) in Oregon in USA. It is the third-ranked school district in Oregon having an estimated membership equalling 35329 students during Year2005. The district had a complete budget of 428million dollars during Year2004-05.