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Re: [saweli] Re: quote of the day - elaborated

In a message dated 6/7/2007 10:09:33 AM Central Daylight Time, sts@hidden.email writes:

The good thing about having this language called "Saweli" is, that it
doesn't need to change whenever classifiers / modifiers change.
I would call the current version of Saweli "Saxisa". :-)
You know, like "Mac OS X - Tiger".
"Saweli - Saxisa".

Take care,

I hadn't thought about it much, but the Saweli name of Saweli is Saxisa. "Saweli" is not a Saweli word.  There is no modifier "we".  That the first syllables of "Saweli" and "Saxisa" are identical is pure coincidence.  In fact, the name "Saweli" existed long before the language Saweli did.  "Saxisa" is also the Saweli name for Latejami, which makes it somewhat ambiguous, but only in Saweli.  
