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Re: [saweli] quote of the day

In a message dated 6/6/2007 8:21:43 AM Central Daylight Time, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email writes:

wufenkab - belong to
     cl. "wu" [P/F-s] = other binary relational state.  mod. "fe" = 'own/possess'.  POS "b" = verb, 2 args, static.

I forgot part of the entry.  It should be:

wufenkab - belong to
      cl. "wu" [P/F-s] = other binary relational state.  mod. "fe" = 'own/possess'.  "n" precedes suffixes and separates them from the root.  suffix "ka" = 'inverse'.  POS "b" = verb, 2 args, static.

Appendix B of "Lexical Semantics" defines the inverse suffix thus:

     -ang [Saweli "-ka"]    inverse (A/P/F-x -> P/A/F-x)
