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sentences, lesson 22
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 17:52:47 EDT
- Subject: sentences, lesson 22
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
The author had better not kill himself.
Yutiben yozun ye'on xe'arinzipap reyes.
Wipe the door knobs with this rag.
Tuplex pohosi vig piqesu tunjed nigres yarik.
The elephants kept themselves far from the government
Wo'abenveb bicasi hesi vig razisu.
I caught the deer meat with this big fork.
Tutrazuf yaras jeras biqak tunjed ne'emos vucak
Why did you put that feather broom beside you?
Wokranzipab yasas ne'ekes vig kulosu yastek zonjugad?
Will you bury the goat and the pig side-by-side?
Yongan ye'on xuminzip yasas biklis zer binus wokranped?
The murderer wrote himself letters because he was crazy.
Teyenzipap turos nutrasu zonjud xe'axagrap ruros.
I saw nothing in the sky above the tailor's house.
Vejab yaras zozus wod kelos wolog metos zag reples.
Why are you and Mary wearing each other's gloves?
Yen wopleb zonjugad yasas zer re{Mary}sa nimusi
zag zonpes?
That attractive cat is clean because it washed itself.
Yen xukep besis vujuk yastek zonjud tukenpaf
It was urgent that the adults build a house for the
tame ducks.
Yutibeb rebesi tutongef metos zok zonjid calisi
The nails and the screws just might be in that closed
Yobun yen womub po'utosi zer po'unusi paples
xu'ahok yastek.
I hope that John will like his new clothes.
Yen vapob yaras ye'on vaseb re{John}sa nisi
vupik ru{John}k.
This colorless bone key weighed thirty-one grams with
your scale.
Vominwop ne'ehos kulek xazuk yarek semis zidodek zok
tunjed nemis yasek.
My friend informed you about the distance to the
mountain cemetery.
Vaxenzib wa'usez yaras yasas votranwokaz murocis
vig kenasu.
The pristine peninsula will very soon have seventy-five
wild horses.
Ye'obun zanxwab kemos vunok biqes xenok zififak
During the trip, I was barely able to whisper the
lessons to the students.
Tacendam zobuc yed siqetras yaras rexegrusi
I want the candles and the other things to be away from
that old garment.
Yen vagrab yaras yen wo'ab pujasi zer kosi
wu'akrak nis voqik yastek.
The pony is slower than the car because it doesn't have
Yen vo'aqep zubec biqeces zekrer heqes zonjud
yozun yen zanxwab fuces poqesu.
Your sister doesn't want to be an ordinary tailor like
her father.
Yozun yen vagrab wamiz yasas wukrangeb reples xu'akik
zok vikreg wanaz rumis.
What the politician put on was a slightly unattractive
Wukrab zaz woplenzeb rezis ruzyas nitines vu'ajuk
zoboc zok.
There was blood in your hair and now, it's on your
Xugap jewesu womud jenes yasek zer wonib yarud ruwes
niples yasek.
I didn't bathe the children because they were able to
bathe themselves.
Yozun tekenzip yaras rebosi zonjud tekenzipadap
The wealthy foreigner's hat had several gems but his
coat was inexpensive.
Zanxwab nilus zag retras vuzak kokas zibik
zok zekir vo'azap nivas rutrak.
I had to crawl under the table because I dropped a
Yuban temip yaras wo'alod notas zonjud tumif yaras
nutras zok.
Take off the colorful shirt or stay away from the
events at the marketplace.
Wo'aplenzex niples xacik zeklar wo'anvex sicusi
wog meholos.
Mary is sewing but I prefer reading a good political
Yen teplep re{Mary}sa zekir vakreb yaras
teyonwogep sigecas rizindak vugrak zok.
I'll buy some good developed land unless it has a lot
of boulders.
Ye'on wezav yaras kenos vu'anok vugrak zok zezur yen
zanxwab runos kolibes zibek zok.
The deer that I saw in the village was approximately
five years old.
Voqinwop biqas zag vejab yaras ruqas wod motobos
sepabas zifak zohec zok.
I'll probably wear the orange pants because the brown
ones are dirty.
Yobin ye'on wopleb yaras nimes xafak zonjud yen
xu'akep xafakisi.
Your brother made his co-workers hostile to himself
when he represented the labor union.
Vawinzipab wamaz yasas wa'ucubizi rumas yed wa'utib
rumas rawa'yotas.
We had to persuade the children to get rid of all the
strings that they threw onto the ground.
Yuban yobanzib yarstas rebosi wo'anzipageb punes
zibak zok zag tutramuf rubos runes woninzod kemis.
Reaching out for the rope, my assistant dropped all the
pins in his other hand.
Tumif temonwod punecas wa'utez yaras punasi zibak
zok womug gamus wu'akrak rutek.