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sentences, lesson 18

  How much do these six gems weigh?
Yen vominxwap kokas zifek yarik zongas?

   The blood on my hands probably angered your siblings.
Yobin valanzib jewes wonig gamusi yarek wamuzi

   Let's paint each other's sheds!
Xuganzix tekanzip yarsas memucesi zag zonpes!

   The pigeons flew low and entered the shopping mall.
Telop catusi vo'alod zer womunzwegeb mehocas.

   How will we keep track of only the necessary things?
Ye'on vaxenxweb tunjegad yarstas kosi yusubenmak zoglik?

   Don't pull the bone out of the dog's mouth!
Yozun tugrux kules wo'amunzod gayas zag beses!

   The purpose of the murder was to close the black market.
Wugrab turondos xu'ahonzigep ragres.

   I'm thinking that I'll finish fixing the kitchen
     counter later.
Yen vaxab yaras ye'opon xuvinzip yaras nozas vig
malasu yatud.

   That inexpensive hotel is full of grief-stricken poor
Yen wunub mepus vo'azak yastik vu'azasu varok.

   Mary finished telling her children something about
     their ears.
Ye'apon tam re{Mary}sa wapuzi ru{Mary}s viz zok
gajesi rupuk.

   These small artificial wings are similar to natural
Yen vikreb gamolosi xu'anok vu'acak yarik xunosu.

   Don't put your foot on this weak chair.
Yozun woninzwix gamis yasek nokris vu'awuk yarik.

   The plumber is imitating a parrot in order to sound
     like the painter.
Yen vikrenxweb relis cayas zok wugrad vijengeb

   Your friend didn't read the license plate because his
     eyes are bad.
Yozun teyonwep wa'usez yasas nuqes zonjud yen
vu'agrak gajasi rusek.

   How much does the shore look like a wasteland?
Yen vijab zungac keplalis kerosu?

   The land was developed but it seemed like it was
Vu'anok kenos zekir ye'an yojaben vunop runos.

   The parrot will be tame but it seems like it'll be wild.
Ye'on xe'anop cayas zekir yojaben xenop ruyas.

   Let's be grateful for everything that our doctors did.
Xuganzix vaheb yarsas zibas zok zag tunxwef
revisi yarsek rubas.

   John is finishing haggling with the merchant about that
     special radio.
Yepon tazam re{John}sa rezaces hutrajes xukik

   The mature owl's beak weighs ninety-three grams.
Yen vominxwap gayalos zag cajas xerek semis
zifudok zok.

   The healthy pilots camped at the top of a mountain.
Tenop relosi xevik wolud kenas zok.

   I knew the engineer that was killed by a hearse at the
Wa'uxeb yaras retos zag xe'arinzilap rutos zonlad heros
zok wod murocis.

   Your co-workers paid a lot of money for these forks.
We'agruzav wa'ucubiz yasas nuzas zibek zok zonjed
ne'emosi yarik.

   Do you remember the thing about those inferior parrot
Yongan yen vapeb yasas viz kulosi vu'aluk yastik
vig cayasu?

   The unprepared students dropped the bear skin seven
     meters to the ground.
Tumif rexegrusi vi'avik gavas bevek wonzod
senec zific kemis.

   I saw someone with a yellow tongue at the doctor's
Vejab yaras res zok zanxwag gajos xalak zok wod

   The photographer allowed his assistant to substitute
     for him at the funeral.
Yunxwib rejaklos wa'utez ruklos wukrengeb ruklos wod

   I reached out and almost caught the rock that you threw
     at the gas station.
Temop yaras zer tutrazungef zoglec koles zag tutramuf
yaras rules wonzod meqes.

   What is supporting those heavy meat scales?
Yen womib zongas nemisi vomik yastik vig jerasu?

   The principal told us that the school bus is less than
     eight meters long.
Tam rexelus yarstas yen vonenxwap hecas vig
mexesu senes zifok zuboc zok.

   I suppose that you had to become a banker because of
     your banker parents.
Yen yojabeb yaras yuban remyezanzop yasas zonjud
wanuzi remyezak yasas.

   The linguist persuaded his associates that they had
     nothing to do with his superior brain.
Yobanzwib regayas wa'ucuzi ruyas vi'ab rucus gaxas
vuluk ruyak.

   Did you intend to buy those five forest hectares on the
Yongan vagrapob yasas wezangev senos kemek zifak
yastik wonig kenobas?

   This inedible soup cost two dollars and tasted like
Vozanwep lalis xu'avok yarik sezas zidik zok zer
vijongeb jemesu.

   Let's bury the skulls across from the milk store.
Xuganzix xuminzip yarsas kuxasi wohod mehos vig

   The children are coloring their hair so that the adults
     will be afraid of them.
Yen xanzip rebosi jenes rubok wugrad ye'on vaveb
rebesi rubos.

   I'm not at the clinic because my head was hit by an
     imaginary boulder.
Yozun yen wob yaras mevibes zonjud tuwonlaf galus
yarek zonlad kolibes xu'agak zok.

   Two of the brothers were at the bottom of the empty
     swimming pool crawling side-by-side.
Wo'alub zidinwez zok wamasi mutyelis wu'anuk temid