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Re: [saweli] soyabes zok
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:22:18 EDT
- Subject: Re: [saweli] soyabes zok
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
In a message dated 7/16/2006 12:02:03 PM Central Standard Time, MorphemeAddict@hidden.email writes:
Tenop voqec resay zok zer resaw zok womunzad meses zok zer tagram resay regrovos tunjemaz teqep ruryes zer resaw wonzwegeb memyucis.
"Tenop" >> "Tenep"
"tagram" >> "tagrum"
"tunjemaz" >> "tunjekaz"
and to emphasize the adulthood of the man and woman: "resay" >> "rebesay", "resaw" >> "rebesaw".
The anaphor "ruryes" was wrong, since it refers back to "resaw", so the noun is now repeated.
Tenep voqec rebesay zok zer rebesaw zok womunzad meses zok zer tagrum resay regrovos tunjekaz teqep rebesay zer rebesaw wonzwegeb memyucis.