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- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 07:50:06 EDT
- Subject: deictics
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
The deictic (classifier "ya") modifiers have been arbitrary since the beginning of S, being seven consonants chosen with some slight attention given to reducing their similarity of sound. While still essentially arbitrary, the modifiers for the deictics are now compositional. 1st person is now indicated by "r", 2nd by "s", and 3rd by "t", with combinations of persons indicated by appropriate combinations of their respective consonants. The vowels of the modifiers are the same: "a" for personal pronouns, "e" for possessive adjectives, "i" for demonstrative adjectives, "o" for locative adverbs, and "u" for temporal adverbs.
yaf- 1st yar-
yak- 2nd yas-
yap- 3rd yat-
yat- 4th (1st + 2nd) yars-
yav- 5th (1st + 3rd) yart-
yax- 6th (2nd + 3rd) yast-
yaz- 7th (1st + 2nd + 3rd) yarst-
Listed by the new modifiers:
yar- 1
yars- 1 + 2
yarst- 1 + 2 + 3
yart- 1 + 3
yas- 2
yast- 2 + 3
yat- 3
Some words are rarely, if ever, going to be used: "yartik" (1st + 3rd demonstrative adjective: 'this/that yonder, not near the listener'), and "yarstik" (1st + 2nd + 3rd demonstrative adjective: 'the'), as well as "yastud" (2nd + 3rd temporal adverb) and "yarstud" (1st + 2nd + 3rd temporal adverb), which are currently undefined.
The sense of "yarstik" is the default for unmarked nouns, which is why this word is not likely to be used very often.
"Yarst-" introduces S's first three-letter consonant cluster.