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Suffixes are separated from modifiers by "n": zanvub 'have'.

be = mass noun
bo = count noun

da = quality
de = process
do = event

ga = interrogative
ge = infinitive
go = same args

ja = 0:
je = 0/F
ji = 0/P
jo = 0/AP
ju = 0/A

ma = middle
me = passive
mi = antimiddle
mo = antipassive
mu = inverse

pa = reflexive
pe = reciprocal
pi = P+F reciprocal
po = co-subject
pu = non-subject

re = get/determine/measure state
ro = apply/use noun

sa = associated position

te = add root to P
to = remove root from P

va = P-s
ve = P/F-s
vo = P-d
vu = P/F-d

xa = AP-s
xe = AP/F-s
xo = AP-d
xu = AP/F-d

za = A/P-s
ze = A/P/F-s
zo = A/P-d
zu = A/P/F-d

While I like L's system for changing arg struc, with u/i/a for P, AP, or A, s/p for static/dynamic, and unvoiced/'n'+voiced for with focus/without focus, I couldn't find a similar scheme that would work.