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Idea for Latin dialects
- From: <thomas@hidden.email>
- Date: 28 Oct 2013 02:33:23 -0700
- Subject: Idea for Latin dialects
- To: <romconlang@yahoogroups.com>
Lately I learnt that there where two old Indo-European languages in Tirol, which don't have proper names yet. Sometimes they are called Ostalpenindogermanisch A and B. Because only some words can be reconstructed because of mountain names, I had the idea that one could use what is known about their phonetics could be used to make two Latin dialects or later from those on romlangs. I don't know yet, if I am going to work much on this.
From Latin 'faber' I made 'thafros' for A and 'dabras' for B. I used Ido-European *dhabhros as a source.
We could also start a topic for sketch languages or ideas for languages that could be made you have or you had.