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Re: [romconlang] Sabine Latin

On Dec 8, 2012, at 9:51 AM, thomasruhm wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> lately I did learn about some of the developments of probably Sabine words in Latin. I don't know if there really was a Latin dialect which did have that sound laws in general, but I like changing normal Latin words to that pattern.
> Every Latin words beginning with 'h' seems to have 'f' in the sabine version and intervocalic 'b' is 'f' too, but I don't know if it is every one. 'Gu' at the beginning did change to 'v' in Sabine Latin words and to 'b' in normal ones and it is said that 'bôs'/bôvis' that for is of Sabine origin too. Any 'qu' became 'p' in Sabine, like in the word 'popîna' contrasted to 'coquîna'. Maybe such words also came from other Sabellic languages, I think.
> I also read that there is 'ê' (long 'e') for 'ae', 'ô' (long 'o') for 'au' and some other differences in vowels.
> About the word 'faba' I read at one place that the original Latin word would be 'haba' but on other places that 'haba' did develop from 'faba' in dialects but Proto-Italic already had 'f' and not 'gh, which would have lead to 'h'.

Do you mean the word meaning "bean"? I recall the etymology of that is supposed to be *bhabha, which doesn't allow for an initial /h/ in Latin.

> I would like to learn more on that matter, so please tell me more if you know more. If I find the articles again, where I read what I learnt so far, I will probably post the address here.
> Yours
> Thomas