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A Bit of Romishcallian

Also known as Iconia, the Romishcallia is a country of the Eastlands and
situated just to the north and west of Auntimoanye. A descendant of the
ancient Rumeliard language, Romishcallian has evolved quite a bit from its

Nouns and articles are still declined, though reduced to two cases; the
verbal system has become entirely reworked. Gone, for the most part, are 
the old conjugations. The modern verbs are descended from earlier 
periphrastic tenses.

Wenevosti oys weulps at ol famemavosti. Enc loqued at ol wedetosti as 
yewem. Sôtivosti at upsôtivosti oys weulps mays ne at pepeuddi de rapêrs 
as yewem des lla wined. Devadevosti, at wocatosti oys weulps: “ay! li te 
yewae n’ azontvanti manturus! Li ne mei pelcentvanti, aic yewae acermes!”

Came the fox and he was hungry. [At] that place and he saw these grapes. 
He leapt and leapt really high the fox but not and could to seize the 
grapes from the vine. He was leaving and declamed the fox: “Ay, they the 
grapes not mature! They no me please, these grapes sour!”

E.g. pelcentvanti < pelcents (old pres. act. ppl.) + vant (3pl of vare,
to be), and thus forms the present stative/intransitive form = "they are
