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On 2 Aug 2012, at 17:30, thomasruhm wrote:
Are there also people who are trying to put more celtic words in their romance conlangs? It might be a bit tricky to find the right sound laws, because there are not that many celtic words in a single romance language and the spelling of old celtic words in Latin may not be good.
The Dravean lexicon probably has an above average Celtic component, probably simply because I have access to some very good etymological dictionaries of Celtic. Aside from those Celtic words which seem to have been borrowed into Vulgar Latin accross the Empire (such as camisia "shirt" > Dr. camisça, etc.), I've also borrowed some words which (AFAIK) are unique to Dravean among the Romance languages, like PC. *soimenâ "cream" > Dr. simna (also Welsh "hufen"). For some of these, I've naturalised the Celtic word to VL patterns, as in PC. *klowni- "meadow" > VL **clônia > Dr. clugna.
As part of my insane drive towards verisimilitude, I also found myself in need of a Proto-Albanian dictionary in order to provide Illyrian substratum loans. Thus Dr. ceibra "mushroom" < PAlb *kêpur-. I've also found myself creating unattested Gothic words from Proto-Germanic originals. At times I suspect I'm getting somewhat carried away.