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Re: Strong perfects

It seems to be a generally accepted view: "*cognovuererunt > conobbero" in Vincent's account of Italian in Harris & Vincent, "The Romance Languages".

The spelling convention would match that of writing -i- for what we know to have been -ij-.

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "thomasruhm" <thomas@...> wrote:
> This is what was written in the famous Introduction to Vulgar Latin by Charles Grandgent about the pronunciation of strong latin perfect.
> "perfects in -vi ... pronounced wui, but written vi to avoid the doubling of the v. At any rate, the development of the vi indicates that it was sounded wui, wwi, or Bwi in Vulgar latin: cf. It. conobbi, crebbi, etc.; Pr. moc, etc."

> Do you think that he was right? I like it, but it could also be a case like 'dâma' and 'damma' or 'lîtera' and 'littera'.