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My history exists upto ~1300. I have my first layer of "North African" Vulgar Latin which includes known peculiarities of NAVL and those I made up. In this stage the borrowings were mostly Punic with a few Germanic loans from the Vangals and some Greek from Chiristianity and trade. Then there is a huge influx of Arabic influence after the Islamic invasions (and a very few Coptic loans from refugees) which ends in the 1100s. Now the main influence is Norman French, Provencal and Sicilian (with a few Venitian terms from banking). As soon as the Rennaisance gets started there will be Latin loans and more Greek and words from the Age of Exploration (if I can figure out how to get that started!) Adam On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Thomas Ruhm <thomas@hidden.email> wrote: > ** > > > To Adam: > Did you already make some stages of your language for different times? I > am trying to make different registers, but only for one time, about one > thousand years ago. Maybe I will be trying to make up a country. Did you > think of changing influences? > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]