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Looks a lot like the Latin I used to write! Once I got hold of A&G and found all the archaic and unusual forms (-arunt, foret, etc), they naturally formed the basis for some early Latin based conlangs. Padraic --- On Wed, 11/9/11, Bruno Zani <reenbru@hidden.email> wrote: From: Bruno Zani <reenbru@hidden.email> Subject: Re: [romconlang] To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 1:12 PM Pituxalina, this conversation is probably about the following text produced by Charles Hall Grandgent in the early '50's": Unus certus *homo *habebat una bella villa, con una casa, multa terra, et multas bestias. Mais non erat bonus illi homo, antiies erat multo malus. Semper male tractabat illas bestias, nec dabat illeis (ad) satis cibu nec aqua. Ille bestie non erant contente. Volebant causas meliores. Unus veclus caballus dixit, 'Rebellemus nos'. Mais ille altere bestie dixerunt, 'Quid facere debemus?' Resposit illi caballus, 'Prendamus illa terra et illa casa de illu homine'. Occiserunt illu homine et sua familia et preserunt sua casa et suas terras. Ahora, totu erat ad illas. Debebant facere multas causas: arare illa terra, mungere illas vaccas, mundare illas stabulas, et facere toto hoc quid erat necessariu. Difficile erat illeis vendere hoc quid illa terra producebat. Illi homines qui vivebant in ille vicinitate non volebant comperare illos productos illoru. Mais finalmente potebant persuadere illos quod illoru lacte, illoru ova, illoru *butyro, *lactuka, et cauoli flores erant altru sic boni que illos de illa altre gente. Passarunt illi anni, et ille bestie obliturunt que illa rebellione illas *fekerat liberas. Illoru muttos erat essutus 'Omnes bestie sunt equales'. Mais unu mane exvigilarunt se et viderunt que illi muttus erat essutus mutatus, et lexerunt 'Omnes bestie sunt equales, mais alicune bestie sunt plus equales que altre'. Illi porci habebant saputu prendere illu potere ad illas altras bestias. Unu die, illi porcus plus fortis invitauit illes homines de illa region ad venire ad illa casa illoru novoru dominoru. Parulabant insemele, bibebant et *iokabant. Durante illu iocu, illi uni accusarunt illos altros de habere triccatu in illo ioco. Ille altere bestie mirabant ad traversu de illa fenestra, mais ia non potebant sapere quando mirabant, quales fusserunt illi porci et quales illi homines. I hope it helps, Bruno From: "romconlang@yahoogroups.com" <romconlang@yahoogroups.com> To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 8:25 AM Subject: [romconlang] Digest Number 782 Romconlang Messages In This Digest (1 Message) 1a. Re: Reconstructed Latin From: Carl Edlund Anderson View All Topics | Create New Topic Message 1a. Re: Reconstructed Latin Posted by: "Carl Edlund Anderson" cea@hidden.email carlsefni Tue Nov 8, 2011 8:09 am (PST) On 06 Nov 2011, at 08:55 , Pituxalina wrote: > > --- In romconlang@yahoogro ups.com, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea@...> wrote: >> On 20 Oct 2011, at 09:38 , Pituxalina wrote: >>> Anyone have a text of this reconstructed Latin? Thanks in advance. >> >> Hall's major works on the reconstruction of Proto-Romance were published in several sequential volumes; the phonology volume in 1976, the morphology volume in 1984. Those are actually volumes 2 and 3 of a larger comparative Romance grammar that included an initial volume on the external history of the Romance languages in 1974. I do not know if the books have remained in print, but I have seen used copies floating around for sale (with widely varying prices). >> There was also a fairly well-known 1950 article by Hall, "The reconstruction of proto-romance" (Language, 26.1) that sort of prefigured all the rest of his work in this area. > > I have looked in the Internet for a sentence even of reconstructed Protoromance and have found nothing. Perhaps I misunderstood what you are looking for? I am not sure whether anyone is writing texts in a reconstructed Proto-Romance of the sort proposed by Hall -- although that would surely be the sort of thing that was appropriate for this list. Hall's own work is, of course, of the academic historical linguistics sort; I don't he was (at least professionally) interested in writing texts in reconstructed Proto-Romance, but rather looking at what the reconstruction process could and could not do for our understanding of the development of the Romance languages. Anyway, using Hall's work and a decent working knowledge of Romance languages (or Western Romance, at any rate), I imagine would could very quickly come up with some sentences in a reconstructed Common (Western) Romance. Cheers, Carl -- Carl Edlund Anderson http://www.carlaz. com/ Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (12) Recent Activity * 1 New MembersVisit Your Group Sitebuilder Build a web site quickly & easily with Sitebuilder. Yahoo! News Get it all here Breaking news to entertainment news Yahoo! Groups Latest product news Join Mod. Central stay connected. Need to Reply? Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest. 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