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--- On Mon, 8/1/11, thomasruhm <thomas@hidden.email> wrote: > I would like to read the snatches of other Italic conlangs. I like it, > when there is 'f' instead of latin 'b', in the middle of a word. Well, let's see... There's a couple snippets in Old Iconian: Cuesse eleseent en cusessos heberber sthazandi bugmoss decustesentcue. (The) gods are merciful for always here they stand; and pestilence they keep away. [From the Pleonereon, an old hymn book.] cuessos is related to curios; not sure about lesen (grant mercy), but am sure it's related to Gk. eleison. Not sure about cusessos; he- is certainly related to hic; berber as I recall is related to some Old Latin adverb of place; sthazan is related to estare; not sure about bugmoss; decustesen is related to custos; -cue = -que. Decuste ‘ve meranat dlinguoz; fefe v’ dlinguo neo! Guard thou against dying of languages; make thou a new language! ve I think must be related to vos; meran to morire; dlinguoz to lingua; fefe to facere; neo to novus. ==== Loucarian, while not "Romance" or "Italic" per se is largely founded on a Latin-like language, but with plenty of Greek, Coptic, Etruscan and Punic words for good measure. POIC mire velere vas ican: al rêyes fispirare etti vas moulvaniccere al irem. Jesus said: avoid this, that the sun sets and you are angry. POIC = pejeto iesous, Jesus said; mire I think is Coptic and means "do not"; velere = velle; vas = vos; ican = hic; al = ille; reyes = Ra (sun); fispirare = vesperare; etti = et; moulvaniccere is I think Etruscan and means facere; irem = ira. En matinamver na, IC pirperato sarccim pros susem mathêtes; ett’ ica pejeito adis nesser: acco, qouem mi moulvaniccere pros vassermet, qouem, moulvaniccere vas itan pros al pouvres. One morning, Jesus prepared food for his disciples; and he said to them: look, what I do for you, that, you do it for the poor. en = in; matinam = matina; IC = iesous; pirperare = preparare; sarcccim = sarx (flesh); pros = pro / ad; susem = suos; methetes is disciples; pejeire is Coptic and means "say"; adis = ad; nesser = eos; acco = ecce; qouem = quem; mi = ego; vassermet = vobismet; moulvaniccere = facere; itan = is; pouvres = pauperos. assà Israêl: nouôt al courios; agapere vasmet al couriom cous poul al vasem cardiam, cous poul al vasem pneumam, cous poul al vasem dounamion. Hear Israel: one the Lord; love the Lord with your whole heart, with your whole spirit, with your whole might. assa = ecce; nouot is from Coptic as I recall; couios = curios; agapere = agapein; cous = cum; poul = pollus (all); cardiam = kardios (heart); pneumam is spirit; dunamion is might or strength. ==== A very old Italic conlang is apparently located somewhere in the Eastlands of the World, and there is only one text in it: De Pibouz Faxiune en Pars Ycounicaux. En y Pars Ycounicaux, yam on peobbív y-touccan, enviam aux Gaulliaux. A res ex dessimilaritad entroun hos peuploun, ys out ii Gaulliii hen tria drouna on souez piboun, whereas ll'Yconicounii hen solu unu drone on souez pibounn. Marim, clamantor ex nominibus dezimilaribus, sontis: magnim ex partim en a Pars Galliaz, peovellenas au peovuras, whereas en a Pars Ycounicaux, hurunclammores clamantore. Hogge ys res permensamixanda, on causad out u nom ys ex douz Avaunglyainnez, lu quod cernu nos clamamos, hurnu y-claman. En Pars Ylluriaux, raramente y-toccan ibus pibibus, sed ex has personas quas piboun hen, apud vezes hurnupip y-claman. Ys hac via magnim ex partim quod paucii Gaulliii en a Pars Ylluriod y-viven. En quáupleced Pars auen od Ympeuriod auen as Pars Galliaux, auen as Pars Auvaungliaux, ii pibii sun en via simile faxii. A bulcca ex oc coriod avaunimaulid fiitor, un oz henda for o chantouri, un oz henda for a bouccatrix, og un, duo, au tris ossez henda for ibus dronibus. A sacca in via bottellaz seccator. Ad hoc sun addessii ii pibii, gleuteco fixatii og consutii en situd. Co frequenzaco, a sacca decoratur co pladeco au altraco materieco og apud molton pibon, sun multu auraux au arjentez og jemstanaz. A drouna, cuando sun tria, sun alligata stringabusco, apud vexes stringa auraux apud vexes stringa decorata. Anclii auros au oses au ivorias apud vezes enfortrezan o chauvaunturem. O pibaux tonos ys regulatos ex u Bardez Senatud out toutii pibii hen o metipsimo tono. Douz tribus dronibus, cuando tria sun, u granestimu hat o metipsimo tono quo hat o chauntur; cascuna altraux drounez han o tono quinto, ambo drone sonte ex metipsimu strepitud. Quando ys solu unu drone, semper ha o pibos tono. Moultai dansai sun ballattai ex pibibus musiche, rinchai, xigus, riiles, og gladisaltaciunes sun, magnim ex partim, undiquem dansatai ex og villanibus og cavaullaribus apud festalian. Gladisaltaciunnes sun dansatai marim ex clannez au capitannibus au chevetannibus. Co frequenzaco poemai musicalles sun cantatai apud dansandi og saltandi accompaniare, sed raramente altri instrumentii toccantur, exceptantim tambouez au altro pib. There is no translation, but appears to be about the construction of musical pipes of some kind. One other text (which I don't have in electronic form) is a myth involving the creation of earth and the things in it and the division of all things into light and dark. > Kerno is a bit easier for me to read today. Still I did not learn the > pronunciation, but it looks more romance now. That's okay! I don't do well at pronouncing either, and am hopeless at trying to emulate what I think the accent might sound like. Should sound somewhere between Welsh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFrCCjZRi0E and Jerriais http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkz34f_P1pM Padraic