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re: In which groups can romlangs be devided?

I’ve been doing some work on reconstructing Vegliot, which I believe to have been largely western Romance where the vowel system is concerned, but eastern where the consonant system is concerned, i.e. a south-central Italian – eastern Romance transitional zone in northern Dalmatia. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Walker
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 9:51 PM

Carrajina is spoken in North Africa.  It has some Eastern features like its treatment of QU > p and CT > p.  But it has plurals in -s like Western.  The vowels are neither Eastern nor Western but "Sardinian," and medial voiced consonants are normally conserved.  I really suspect that Carrajina might, in fact, represent Southern Romance.




On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 2:07 PM, thomasruhm <thomas@hidden.email> wrote:




> Are there enough similarities to make groups like east and west romanic?

> Where would you put the languages you are working at?


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