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re: What are african romlangs like?

Thanks for the quote and the link…




From: BPJ
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:48 PM

2011-04-18 11:10, Daniel Prohaska skrev:
> If I recall correctly, I remember reading somewhere that
> African Romance was similar in phonology to Sardinian. Both
> varieties lost phonemic vowel quantity distinctions before the
> long and short vowels were qualitatively dissimilated. This is
> why in the Sardinian system the Classical Latin vowels /i:/ and
> /i/ merge, while in the other varieties of Romance /i:/
> remained while /i/ merged with /e:/.
> Dan

We have Augcustine's words for that:

"Afrae aures de correptione vocalium vel productione non
iudicant". Augustine De doctrina christiana 4.24

Cf. <http://www.frathwiki.com/User:Melroch/Vulgar_Latin>


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