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Re: [romconlang] Do you like Ido, Interlingua or Occidantal the best?

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, Capsicum <thomas@hidden.email> wrote:

>Yesterday I read the article on Wikipedia about mouflons in Interlingua
>and was supprised how well I understand it. I tried the other two before
>but I don't remember how much I understood.

This is not really an appropriate forum for discussion of auxlangs as
such, but as conlangs of a reasonably Romance sort, of the three, I think
Interlingua flows the best and is most easily understood. For me, it is
the most aesthetically pleasing of the three. Ido goes a long way towards
sweetening Esperanto's look and feel. Esperanto looks and sounds ugly. As
far as understandability goes, I think all of the romaclones amount to
six of one, half dozen of the other. Anyone who speaks Spanish or Italian
should have no trouble at all with any of them; French and Romanian are
a different kettle of kippers entirely.

As for romaclones you don't mention: LSF is also quite aesthetically
pleasing, as is LFN.

Of course, there is LF / Sabir itself -- 

And a curious Algerian French that seems to use the same name, but seems
to be more French than it is Sabir / LF:

