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Fwd: BMCR 2009.11.27: de Melo on de Vaan, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages

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> From: "Bryn Mawr Classical Review" <bmcreview@hidden.email>
> Date: 19 November 2009 14:29:14  GMT-05:00
> To: "Carl" <cea@hidden.email>
> Subject: BMCR 2009.11.27: de Melo on de Vaan, Etymological  
> Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages
> Reply-To: "Bryn Mawr Classical Review" <bmcreview@hidden.email>
> Boston: Brill, 2008. Pp. xiii, 825. ISBN 9004167978. €229.00,  
> $341.00. ">
> Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.11.27
> Michiel Arnoud Cor de Vaan, Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the  
> Other Italic Languages (vol. 7 in the series "Leiden Indo-European  
> Etymological Dictionary").   Leiden/Boston:  Brill, 2008.  Pp. xiii,  
> 825.  ISBN 9004167978.  €229.00, $341.00.
> Reviewed by Wolfgang David Cirilo de Melo, Universiteit van Gent (wolfgang.demelo@hidden.email 
> )
> Word count: 2855 words
> Table of Contents
> There is no shortage of recent dictionaries of Latin, most of which  
> contain a modest amount of etymological information, but de Vaan's  
> book is the only purely etymological one. For the Sabellic languages  
> we have of course Untermann's important Wörterbuch (2000), which  
> provides a wealth of data and thorough discussion, but for Latin,  
> before de Vaan's work appeared, one had to use Walde-Hofmann (1938)  
> or Ernout-Meillet (1959). These older works are on the whole  
> reliable, yet it is good to see an up-to-date dictionary fully  
> adopting the laryngeal theory.
> I have learnt much from reading de Vaan. I shall give just three  
> examples. As an undergraduate I used to read the Miscellen or  
> Gemischte Beiträge in various journals, but never understood why the  
> first vowel in miscellus is long since the one in miscere is short;  
> de Vaan lists the word under minor and derives it from *minuscellus  
> > *minscellus, and now the quantity and the meaning make sense: the  
> long vowel is the result of compensatory lengthening (loss of n  
> before s) and the meaning is influenced by miscere. Second, the  
> Appendix Probi contains an entry pauper mulier non paupera mulier.  
> Here we can see how pauper adopted a more productive type of  
> inflection (Italian povero). But the feminine paupera occurred  
> already in Plautus (fr. xlvi Lindsay). I used to think that the  
> Plautine form foreshadowed Romance developments, but de Vaan points  
> out that the adjective was originally thematic and became athematic  
> under the influence of its antonym diues. Hence the Plautine form  
> may be a genuine archaism not connected with the later  
> rethematization. Naturally I also learnt much about languages other  
> than the Italic ones by working through de Vaan's book. In German a  
> common insult is dämisch or dämlich "stupid", which most speakers  
> derive from Dame "lady / woman". The correct etymology, however, is  
> less misogynistic: the word is not connected with Dame, but  
> ultimately has the same root as Latin temetum "alcoholic drink".
> The structure of de Vaan's dictionary is clear and simple. After a  
> brief list of abbreviations and introduction, the main part of the  
> book consists of the dictionary entries, followed by a bibliography  
> and useful indexes. The introduction outlines de Vaan's view of Indo- 
> European, which is fairly orthodox; for instance, he believes in  
> three laryngeals, whose places of articulation match those of the  
> velar stops: palato-velar, pure velar, and labio-velar. He follows  
> the traditional reconstruction of manner of articulation for the  
> stops: there are voiced, voiceless, and voiced aspirated ones. After  
> the Indo-European period, he accepts an Italo-Celtic and then a  
> Proto-Italic stage and regards Venetic as an Italic language. It is  
> useful to have de Vaan's outline of the major sound changes and the  
> reconstructed sound system of Proto-Italic in the introduction.
> The dictionary entries are systematic and easy to follow. The  
> headword is followed by a rough translation, the declension or  
> conjugation class, and other relevant information, such as first  
> attestation or variant forms. This is followed by a section listing  
> derivatives, again with first attestations. Next come the  
> reconstructed Proto-Italic forms and the Italic cognates. After this  
> we are presented with the Indo-European forms and cognates in non- 
> Italic languages. Then we get a brief discussion and bibliography.
> Reviewing a dictionary is very different from reviewing any other  
> type of book. The reviewer is one of the few people who can  
> reasonably be expected to read the entire work from cover to cover,  
> while others are more likely to read only individual entries. And  
> while the reader of a more general book will not be upset if one or  
> two paragraphs contain mistakes because it is the whole that  
> matters, people consulting a dictionary and finding a faulty entry  
> will of course be upset because it is typically just one entry they  
> need. For this reason the rest of my review is a list of suggested  
> improvements, but it would be appropriate to offer first an overall  
> assessment: de Vaan has produced a useful book fully incorporating  
> recent research, and in many respects he replaces the older  
> etymological dictionaries of Latin (though for the Sabellic  
> languages I naturally prefer Untermann). The work is very reliable;  
> if my list of corrections seems lengthy, one should not forget that  
> the book is over eight-hundred pages long. However, I also have some  
> points of criticism. I find it regrettable that de Vaan so rarely  
> tells us his own opinions. For the most part we get only summaries  
> of earlier research. As any etymologist freely admits, reconstructed  
> forms can never be absolutely certain. But there are degrees of  
> certainty. The etymology of equus, for example, is much more certain  
> than that of abies. It would have been nice to have a clearer  
> marking scheme for what is relatively certain, moderately certain,  
> and completely uncertain. My final and most important point of  
> criticism concerns the treatment of loanwords. All words that are  
> definitely loanwords are excluded from the discussion. This is not a  
> peculiarity of de Vaan's work: all dictionaries in the series follow  
> the same procedure. However, the omission of all certain loanwords  
> means that de Vaan's book cannot be a sufficient etymological work  
> on its own.
> But now it is time to turn to the finer points. My list of  
> corrections begins with some obvious omissions and mistakes. Nux is  
> feminine, not masculine, so it should be nux Abellana under Abella.  
> Clam is listed as adverb. One would have liked to see at least a  
> mention of its prepositional use in early Latin. The etymology of  
> consulere advanced by de Vaan may well be correct, but *kom-sed- is  
> dismissed too easily in view of considium in Plaut. Cas. 966. Under  
> doleo we find the statement that the experiencer must originally  
> have been expressed in the dative. This construction is actually  
> well attested. Elutriare is listed under lauare as if it were a  
> native formation, and the first two vowels are marked as long. But  
> this rare word (attested in Laber. com. 151) is probably of Greek  
> origin (ἔλυτρον) and the first two vowels are consequently  
> short (the Laberius passage is inconclusive in this respect). Under  
> facio I would have liked to see the form vhe:vhaked from the fibula  
> Praenestina, even if de Vaan should consider the document a forgery.  
> Under forceps de Vaan states that forfex is a by-form that arose by  
> metathesis. This cannot be right. The form that arose by metathesis  
> is forpex, and forfex is derived from this by long-distance  
> assimilation or by association with agentive nouns in -fex. All  
> three forms are feminine, but forfex is attested with masculine  
> agreement in Vitr. 10. 2. 2, which makes the second explanation,  
> that there was an association with agent nouns, more likely. The  
> noun gerulifigulus is listed under gero as if it were securely  
> attested. It is a textually problematic hapax legomenon (Plaut.  
> Bacch. 381). Under hic, the nominative plural hisce, mostly used  
> before vowels, is not even mentioned. It seems rather unlikely that  
> in- is automatically lengthened before -gn- (see my comments below).  
> Iuxta is normally said to have a short first vowel; de Vaan does not  
> indicate vowel length here (or in iuxtim), but derives the word from  
> *jougVsto-, in which case the first vowel ought to be long.  
> Inscriptional evidence for long -a- in largus is mentioned, but, if  
> this is accepted, should de Vaan not also mark the derivatives of  
> the word as having a long vowel? Much the same can be said of forma  
> and its derivatives. Liquidus is discussed under liqueo. I would  
> have liked to see a note stating that the first syllable of liquidus  
> occasionally scans as heavy in Lucretius (3. 427 liquidus umor aquai  
> as hexameter ending). Muricidus, a hapax legomenon in Plautus (Epid.  
> 333), is glossed by Paulus Diaconus as ignauus and stultus. We are  
> clearly dealing with an insult, though the exact meaning remains  
> unclear. We find this word under marceo in de Vaan's dictionary, who  
> thinks that it belongs here for semantic reasons and that it could  
> be a by-form of murcidus (his term is "corruption", but obviously an  
> emendation to murcide (voc.) in the Plautus verse would be  
> unmetrical). He could be right if the first three syllables are  
> light, but the first and third syllables can also count as long, in  
> which case the meaning could be "mouse-slayer" (an insult for a  
> cowardly soldier?) or "wall-destroyer" (an insult for a thief,  
> τοιχωρύχός, also perfossor parietum in Pseud. 980).  
> Muscus is marked with a macron on the first vowel, muscosus is not;  
> the length of the first vowel is unclear in either case. Under nasci  
> de Vaan cites an inscription with nationu gratia "on account of  
> giving birth"; the inscription is from Praeneste (CIL 14. 2863) and  
> the spelling is archaic, with cratia rather than gratia. On noxit,  
> which de Vaan regards as an s-present to noceo, I refer to my book  
> on the early Latin verb; this is definitely not an s-present, but an  
> aoristic formation. Pater is said to go back to a nursery form *pa,  
> phonologically *pH2. Much as I like the laryngeal theory in its  
> modern form, a phonological representation of babies' first babbling  
> seems slightly over the top. Exactly the same could be said about  
> atta "daddy" < *H2et-o-. As for penis, I agree with de Vaan that the  
> most likely semantic development is from "tail" to "penis". However,  
> here as elsewhere I have to take issue with his chronological  
> considerations; he argues that his theory finds support in the fact  
> that the meaning "tail" is attested as early as Naevius, while  
> "penis" is not found before Catullus. Roman comedy deliberately  
> avoided terms like "dick" or "cunt", so the mere date of first  
> attestations does not mean anything. Under pluma de Vaan lists  
> another Plautine hapax legomenon, plumatile, which he translates as  
> "feathered" and scans with the two first syllables heavy. The word  
> occurs in Epid. 233 in a list of women's dresses and stands in  
> opposition to cumatile, which must be connected with κύμα. Since  
> de Vaan's scansion leads to an impossible divided anapaest, it is  
> better to scan the first two syllables as light and derive the word  
> from πλύμα, as Duckworth (1940 ad loc.) does. His translation  
> "watery or dishwatery" also brings out the joke. Under pungo we find  
> a brief discussion of pugna and related words. Again it is claimed  
> that before -gn- vowels are automatically long, a statement which is  
> hard to maintain in view of Italian degno, segno < dignus, signum  
> (not too much should be made of the spellings seignum in CIL 1^2. 42  
> and dIgne, with i longum, in CIL 6. 6314). Under quiris we read that  
> the word might be a loanword with Sabellic connections; but in that  
> case the labiovelar would be odd. Under saxum de Vaan lists Germanic  
> words for "knife" as possible cognates, but then says that the  
> connection between "rock" and "knife" is not straightforward.  
> However, Latin saxum can of course also refer to a flint knife (as  
> in the proverbial inter sacrum saxumque sto), so perhaps the  
> connection is not far-fetched. Under se, it is wrongly claimed that  
> Plautus still uses the accusative / ablative sed (he only uses med  
> and ted). Under limus "oblique", an adverb sublimen is listed.  
> Though this word occurs several times in Plautus manuscripts (e.g.  
> Men. 992), we are probably dealing with nothing more than a  
> corruption of adjectival forms of sublimis. Subuolturius is listed  
> under uoltur as if it were a normal derivative, while in reality it  
> is a nonce-formation punning on subaquilus (Plaut. Rud. 422). Under  
> uerbera I miss a reference to the verb form uerberit in a lex regia,  
> discussed in Szemerényi (1987). Since de Vaan distinguishes between  
> vocalic u and consonantal v, it should be veruina rather than  
> vervina (under veru), and conversely, volvi rather than volui (under  
> volvo). The alternative form uotare for uetare is not a hapax, pace  
> de Vaan. Vinum receives an Indo-European reconstruction and the fact  
> that this might be a later loan (possibly from Semitic, where words  
> of similar shape occur) is not even mentioned. The form ullo (Acc.  
> trag. 293), a future perfect of ulcisci, should probably be restored  
> to ulso; de Vaan comes up with an ad hoc sound change *-lks- > *-ls-  
> > -ll-, but obviously l and s look rather similar in certain types  
> of minuscule manuscripts.
> The treatment of Faliscan data is sometimes less than satisfactory.  
> Of course Bakkum's impressive treatment of Faliscan, published in  
> 2009, was not yet out when de Vaan submitted his book, but some  
> oddities point to a lack of knowledge of Faliscan. Sta MF 28,1  
> glossed as "(it) stands", and statuo MF 29, glossed as "I erect",  
> are considered to be related with stare. Since in both cases these  
> are the only words on the objects, the interpretation looks  
> unlikely. It is clear that a dedicated object stands, the question  
> is who set it up for whom. Probably we are dealing with abbreviated  
> names. Tulom MF 68 certainly does not belong with tollere. The  
> alleged meaning, "I set up", makes no sense on a one-word  
> inscription, where we would expect the donor or the recipient; there  
> are also morphological difficulties if the 1st sg. perfect ends in - 
> ai (pe:parai EF 1), unless one resorts to the unlikely assumption  
> that Faliscan preserved a separate aorist ending as well. Perhaps  
> the inscription just means "of the Tulli" (with an old genitive  
> plural in -om). It is odd that under unda, Faliscan umom "water  
> vessel" EF 2 (< *ud-mo-) is not mentioned. Finally, the alleged  
> Faliscan forms datu (under do), rected (under rego), sacru (under  
> sacer), and uootum (under uoueo) all come from an inscription in the  
> Faliscan alphabet (LF 214), but the language is clearly Latin; the  
> Faliscan ending is -om or -o, not -um or -u, and long vowels are not  
> written double in the Oscan style in Faliscan.
> Venetic remains a language of which we know little. Several times de  
> Vaan follows earlier literature in assigning meanings to words which  
> in fact remain obscure. Atisteit (*Es 1222), under at and sto, is  
> considered to have a prefix ati- and is glossed as adstat; the  
> meaning of this word remains uncertain. Equally obscure is stati (Od  
> 1), analysed by de Vaan as an instrumental singular meaning  
> "weight". Whether Venetic poltos (Es 113) belongs with pellere, as  
> alleged, is doubtful. A certain amount of scepticism, along the  
> lines of Untermann (1980), would have done no harm.
> In an etymological dictionary one expects correct indications of  
> vowel length. By and large, de Vaan gets it right, but there are  
> several unfortunate mistakes. Before -ns- and -nf-, and before -nct-  
> and -nx-, vowel length is automatic because the nasal was lost and  
> there was compensatory lengthening (Meiser 1998: 78); de Vaan omits  
> macrons in around eighty cases. On the other hand, vowels are not  
> automatically long before -gn- (see above), and while de Vaan does  
> not always mark them as long here, he does so in around fifteen  
> cases where they are probably short. Elsewhere, macrons are often  
> omitted, which can lead to some confusion.3 Occasionally de Vaan  
> marks a vowel that is short as long; thus the prefix re- always has  
> a short vowel, so it should be réconcinnare4 (under concinnus),  
> récusare (under causa), rélaxare (under laxus), and résumere  
> (under emo). Similarly, de- is shortened before vowel, so we should  
> have déambulare (under ambulo), déesse (under sum), déhortari  
> (under horior), déorio (under haurio), and déosculari (under os  
> "mouth"). The other cases where a short vowel is marked as long are  
> the following (head words in brackets): conuóuere (uoueo), dáre (in  
> several places), denté (dens), éra ("mistress", under ira), faucé  
> (faux), latébricola, latébrosus (both under lateo), monétrix  
> (moneo), nísi (ni), prófecto (facio), and prófiteri (fateor).
> All remaining errors are of minor importance. The author's English  
> is very good and almost free of mistakes, but Latin of the Empire is  
> called Imperial Latin rather than "Empirical Latin" (p. 503). This  
> new, important dictionary cannot be neglected by anyone interested  
> in the history of words.
> References:
> Bakkum, G. C. L. M. (2009), The Latin Dialect of the Ager Faliscus:  
> 150 Years of Scholarship, 2 vols. (Amsterdam).
> de Melo, W. D. C. (2007), The Early Latin Verb System: Archaic Forms  
> in Plautus, Terence, and Beyond (Oxford).
> Duckworth, G. E. (1940), T. Macci Plauti Epidicus: Edited with  
> Critical Apparatus and Commentary, in Which Is Included the Work of  
> the Late Arthur L. Wheeler (Princeton).
> Ernout, A. and Meillet, A. (1959^4), Dictionnaire étymologique de la  
> langue latine: Histoire des mots (Paris).
> Pellegrini, G. B. and Prosdocimi, A. L. (1967), La lingua venetica,  
> vol. 1: Le iscrizioni (Padua).
> Szemerényi, O. S. L. (1987), "Si parentem puer verberit, ast olle  
> plorassit", in Scripta Minora: Selected Essays in Indo-European,  
> Greek, and Latin, vol. 2: Latin, ed. by P. Considine and J. T.  
> Hooker (Innsbruck), 892-910.
> Untermann, J. (1980), "Die venetische Sprache: Bericht und  
> Besinnung", in Glotta 58: 281-317.
> ------ (2000), Wörterbuch des Oskisch-Umbrischen (Heidelberg).
> Walde, A. and Hofmann, J. B. (1938^3), Lateinisches etymologisches  
> Wörterbuch (2 vols. + reg.) (Heidelberg).
> Notes:
> 1.   The numbers are those in Bakkum (2009).
> 2.   The numbering system is that introduced by Pellegrini and  
> Prosdocimi (1967).
> 3.   The correct forms are as follows (I leave the head words in  
> brackets unmarked): âctiô, âctor, âctus, âctûtum (all four  
> under ago), adârêscere (areo), adulêscentia, adulêscentiârî,  
> adulêscentulus (all three under alo), afflîctim (fligere),  
> ârdêre, ârdor, ârdus, ârfacere (all four under areo),  
> ascrîptîuus (scribo), bilîx (licium), cânûtus (canus),  
> capessitûrus (capio), catîllâre, catîllus (both under catina),  
> cênâculum, cênâre, cênâticus, cênâtus (all four under cena),  
> clâmôs (clamo), cômptiônâlis, cômptus (both under emo),  
> cônâtum (conor), conciliâtrîx (calo), concubînâtus (cumbo),  
> cônsentês (sum), corrêctor (rego), crâstinus (cras), creâtrîx  
> (creo), dêlectâmentum (lacio), dêpudîcâre (pudeo), dîlêctus  
> (lego), êbriâcus, êbriolâtus, êbriolus (all three under ebrius),  
> êlêctilis (lego), êmptîcius, êmptor, êmpturîre, êmptus,  
> exêmptiô (all five under emo), facit ârê (areo), farînârius  
> (far), fautrîx (faueo), fictrîx (fingo), fugitîuârius (fugio),  
> honôrârius, honôrâtus (both under honos), immâtûrus (maturus),  
> indipîscî (endo), inêscâre (edo "eat"), labôrâre (labor),  
> lâpsus (labo), lupîllum (lupus), mandûcâre (mando),  
> mendîcâbulum (mendum), môrâtus, môrigerârî, môrigerâtiô,  
> môrigerus (all four under mos), mûstêlînus, mûstricula (both  
> under mus), nefâstus (fas), neglêctus (lego), nîxârî, nîxus  
> (both under nitor), obuâgîre (uagio), ôrâculum, ôrâtiô,  
> ôrâtor (all three under oro), ôsculentia, Ôstia (both under os  
> "mouth"), pâstus (pascere), praefestînâtim (festino),  
> praemâtûrus (maturus), prômptâre, prômptârius, prômptus (all  
> three under emo), Pûblius (populus), quadrâgintâ (quattuor),  
> quârticeps (-ceps), quîntânus (quinque), quînticeps (-ceps),  
> quîntîlis (quinque), rêctâ, rêctor (both under rego),  
> redêmptitâre, redêmptor (both under emo), rêgillus, rêgnâre,  
> rêgnâtor, rêgnum (all four under rex), rôbôsem (robur),  
> scîtâmenta (scire), scrôfipâscus (scrofa), sêmêstris (sex),  
> struîx (struo), subrêctitâre (rego), sûmptiô, sûmptuôsus (both  
> under emo), tâctus (tango), trilîx (licium), uîndêmia,  
> uîndêmiâtor, uîndêmitor (all three under emo), ûtî (utor).
> 4.   For typographical reasons I use the acute here to mark a short  
> vowel.
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