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Does anyone know of a sound change like this: z > z\ > j / V _ {C, #} i.e. [z] becomes palatalized and ultimately becomes a palatal fricative/approximant if preceded by a vowel and folowed by a consonant a pause. An unconditioned change like this seems possible enough. It is rather the condition, with [z] / V _ V, and [z] / # _ V remaining unaffected which worries me. I'm guessing that a non-prevocalic [z] might become lax, a grooved[^1] alveolar approximant if such a thing is possible, which then would become palatal. It seems to me that when pronouncing an alveolar approximant the dorsum tends to be spontaneously raised. Perhaps also an [r\] arising in a language which already has contrasting /r/ and /4/ would be likely to tend to be 'derhoticized' in some way. The weakening of non- prevocalic [z] in the first place may in fact be a bigger preblem. What do you think? /BP [^1]: <http://books.google.com/books?id=bSxjt1irqh4C&pg=PA212>