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Re: More Aqilonian/Aqileian

I like 'du'  instead of newer 'b'. It is also in the Glosas Emilianenses. I ordered a latin etymological dictionary. Maybe there are more words with 'du' in it.

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea@...> wrote:
> In working on some personal names, I determined that my Aqilonian/ 
> Aqileian conlang should definitely retain Archaic Latin dvenos (>  
> Latin bonus); I'll preserve both the initial consonant cluster and  
> the /e/.  The question is what to do with that in the daughter  
> languages.  I'm thinking that will probably end up as den-, certainly  
> denos in Ausonic but possibly perserved in Kuriac as dwenos.   
> Nevertheless, I'm imagining the retained Kuriac dw- > d- in its  
> further daughter languages (possibly under the influence of the  
> Kuriac/Ausonic koine, which would likewise have denos).