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Re: [CONLANG] Conlang Dialog

J'escreus/I wrote:
> Sauriademen jo hau une anzniade chi es alérgeche,
> >

Jo crair che feç un erraur ci:

HABEO no pout mig devenir _**hau_ mai avanç
_hauj_, che serait avanç escreut _haudg_. Comonc
el pleu agriadabo e pleu probabo alternatif serait
che la forme Rhodraye descent de *HAO, che
donarait _hua_ [wa]. Jo hua de tantemp decidiad
che la 3me del sg. de _havair_ es _hat_ [at] de L.V.
*HAT. Comonc la 2de del sg. puot paug probabo estre
_hai_ < *HAS, porché txes serait homofon aur _ai_
< ES, la 2de del sg. de _estre_. Txel caungement de
Vs finao a Vj vrazement causet destreutxéu!
Donc la 2de del sg. de _havair_ daift estre _heu_
[y] < HABES. El resultiad es un verb tras

I think I made an error here:

HABEO couldn't become _**hau_, but rather _hauj_
which would rather be spelled _haudg_. However the
more pleasing and more likely alternative would be
that the Rhodrese form descends from *HAO, which
would give _hua_ [wa]. I've already long ago
decided that the 3d sg. of 'have' is _hat_ [at] <
V.L. *HAT.  However the 2d sg. can hardly be _hai_
< *HAS, since that would be homophonous with _ai_
< ES, the 2d sg. of 'be'.  That change of final
Vs > Vj really wreaks havoc! So the 2d sg. of
'have' must be _heu_ [y] < HABES. The result is a
highly irregular verb:

	HABERE	havair	[@v'aI4]    'to have'

	*HAO	hua	    [wa]
    HABES   heu     [y]
    *HAT    hat     [at]
    HABEMUS havaim  [@'vaIm]
    HABETIS havaiç  [@'vaIs]
    *HAUNT  haun    [aUn]


    *ESSERE estre   ['EstrI]    'to be'

    SUM     so      [sO]/[sU]
    ES      ai      [aI]
    EST     es      [Es]
    SUMUS   som     [sOm]/[sUm]
    ESTIS   eç      [Es]
    SUNT    son     [sOn]/[sUn]

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se
 "C'est en vain que nos Josués littéraires crient
 à la langue de s'arrêter; les langues ni le soleil
 ne s'arrêtent plus. Le jour où elles se *fixent*,
 c'est qu'elles meurent."           (Victor Hugo)