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On 2009-05-29 thomasruhm wrote:
I am learning latin several hours a day. My greatest interests are languages and to find out how they work. I find most other things much to boring and it makes me sad. What can I do?
Become a linguist, or given your interest in ancient/extinct languages, a comparative philologist (not that that field is rife with job opportunities IME... :-/). Since you are apparently in Austria and probably German-speaking Google for "vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft" and/or look up that term on the German Wikipedia -- as we all know: if an article exists on the German WP it is usually better than its German counterpart. Just take care not to mix in your conlanging in your official philology. (The other way around is OTOH yummy! :-) /BP 8^)> -- Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "C'est en vain que nos Josu�s litt�raires crient � la langue de s'arr�ter; les langues ni le soleil ne s'arr�tent plus. Le jour o� elles se *fixent*, c'est qu'elles meurent." (Victor Hugo)