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If you are on Linux and have trouble printing out those b/w pdfs from the Internet Archive try converting them with pdf2djvu and print from the generated djvu. It beats the colored djvus on the IA! /BP Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
Now also on FrathWiki: <http://wiki.frath.net/Romconlang_reference_works_online> <http://wiki.frath.net/Germaniconlang_reference_works_online> Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:I have created new folders with links to historical phonologies, grammars and (etymological) dictionaries to the Links sections of the Romconlang and Germaniconlang Yahoogroups sites. Most of these links are to digitized, somewhat dated texts which have passed into the Public Domain and been uploaded to the Internet Archive, which are still perfectly good, or perhaps BECAUSE of their datedness even better, as fodder for conlanging. They are offered in many file formats. Follow the "All Files: http" link to download. The b/w PDF, if available, is best for printout. The OCRed .txt version is full of errors but still good for searching! * For Romconlang the links are at: <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/romconlang/links/Grammars_and_dictionaries_001233599798/> (I've also rearranged and included the links I uploaded before!) * For Germaniconlang the links are at: <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/germaniconlang/links/Old_Germanic_grammars__phonologies_and_d_001233673599/> /BP 8^)>------------------------------------ To unsubscribe, send an email to: romconlang-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Yahoo! Groups Links