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Re: [romconlang] Re: New historical-linguistic links now also on FrathWiki

I've added a few more to this file, mainly etymological dictionaries
which I've found useful while working on Dravean: dunno if you want
them in the Yahoogroups Files section as well? Thanks particularly for
the link to the French translation of Meyer-Lubke: saves me poring
over the German translation at Uni!

Dan (Jones)

(no, I'm not dead)

2009/2/4 Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@hidden.email>:
> Now also on FrathWiki:
> <http://wiki.frath.net/Romconlang_reference_works_online>
> <http://wiki.frath.net/Germaniconlang_reference_works_online>
> Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
>> I have created new folders with links to historical
>> phonologies, grammars and (etymological) dictionaries to the
>> Links sections of the Romconlang and Germaniconlang
>> Yahoogroups sites.
>> Most of these links are to digitized, somewhat dated texts
>> which have passed into the Public Domain and been uploaded
>> to the Internet Archive, which are still perfectly good, or
>> perhaps BECAUSE of their datedness even better, as fodder
>> for conlanging. They are offered in many file formats.
>> Follow the "All Files: http" link to download. The b/w PDF,
>> if available, is best for printout. The OCRed .txt version
>> is full of errors but still good for searching!
>> * For Romconlang the links are at:
>> <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/romconlang/links/Grammars_and_dictionaries_001233599798/>
>> (I've also rearranged and included the links I uploaded before!)
>> * For Germaniconlang the links are at:
>> <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/germaniconlang/links/Old_Germanic_grammars__phonologies_and_d_001233673599/>
>> /BP 8^)>