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Re: "Knock it off" or "Leave off"

Hey Scotto,

I know Pilovese is a bit displaced from Iberia, but in Spanish, a very
common way to tell someone or something to bugger off is simply
"basta!"/"enough!" I'm sure you might already know this, but that's
actually a verb rather than a noun, but point is you could do the same
thing with a third-person noun of a similar sort... something to say
"that will do!" in a very forceful way.

I realize this is not a "Romance language" by many measures, but I'll
give this as another illustrative example anyway.

In Esperanto, I've been known to use "sufiĉas"/(lit., "it suffices!")
to get that sort of message across. It might not be verbatim another
Romlang to use something of that sort, but the psychology would be to
use such a phrase as this lacking one that's already in common use.

Call that an homage to the brilliant portrayal of psychology in your
last email-- I more or less drew on that line of reasoning (though in
different circumstances) to illustrate my point. ;-)

Hope that helps!

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Scotto Hlad" <scott.hlad@...> wrote:
> OK here we go with my question. Iâ??ve posted this on conlang but
Iâ??m looking Romance language help too.  Before I give the question
Iâ??ll give the background so that you can see what has spawned it.
> One of my cats, Daria, (the only one not spayed because Iâ??ve run
out of money) is in oestrus. If you never been around a cat in this
condition consider yourself lucky. Sheâ??s not loud like some cats can
be but the noise is just constant. One of my other cats, Pebbles, must
have had enough because I have caught her with her mouth clamped on to
Dariaâ??s throat, all the while holding her with the front paws and
then kicking the stuffing out of her with her rear paws. Daria
meanwhile is oblivious to the whole affair, just continuing on with
her gutteral sounds. At the moment, Daria is curled up on my desk
beside the monitor sleepingâ?¦
> Anyway, I have found myslef just looking at her and saying, â??Give
it a restâ?¦â?? or â??Knock it offâ?¦â?? or â??Leave off.â?? It has me
wondering what a Pilovese person would say to the whole affair. Even
in French, Iâ??m not sure what one would say beyond, â??Arrêtâ?? or
â??Assezâ?? as neither of them can convey the tone of being wearied or
annoyed with the situation.
> Iâ??d like to know how to convey this message to my cat in your
conlangs and your L1, including regional type things. How do you
convey this also in French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc? 
> Thanks,
> Scotto
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]