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Re: Hi everybody

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...> wrote:
> --- On Sat, 7/19/08, rw123472 <rw123472@...> wrote:
> > My name is Ron. I'm very exited to be part of your yahoo
> > group. I'm
> > actually working on promoting a constructed language called
> > Romana.
> Sounds like your interests would be better served over on Auxlang.
We don't go in much for "promoting" auxlangs hereabouts. 
> > Romana is based entirely on vulgar Latin, but it has a
> > modern romance twist. 
> Don't mean to be insulting, but *all* the Romance languages are
based entirely on VL and have modern Romance twists! They wouldn't be
Romance languages otherwise!
> "Lingua Romana is what vulgar latin would probably look like if it
existed today." In the same vein, French, Spanish, Catalan, Italian,
Sardinian, Rumansch, Romanian and whole host of other languages are
what Vulgar Latin does in fact look like today, for the simple fact
that VL never disappeared! It got a change of name, but not a change
of personality.
> > Romana was developed by Dan Tohatan, not myself.
> > I'm fairly new
> > to Romana but i am rather fond of the language. I feel that
> > those who
> > study Romana will be able to comprehend today's modern
> > romance languages with little difficulty. 
> Italian especially. Having read Romana, I think I would not be able
to understand French or Romanian at all. Maybe a few words. Italian,
possibly Spanish.
> > My blog is (http://linguaromana1.blogspot.com)
> > 
> > Dan Tohatan's site is (www.dacris.com/lang/)
> This site apparently loads a virus or some other kind of spyware on
to your system. Thank you very much for your interest in our group,
but I'm off to scan and remove said virus now!
> > I want your opinion, what do you think about Lingua Romana?
> In reading the Romana version of the paternoster, I note a radical
change in wording. I'm sure Jerome had a good mastery of Latin and
chose "regnum" over any other potential synonym or near synonym -- it
might be a good idea to use the Romana word that best derives from
regnum, rather than imperium. Just a minor theological point.
> Padraic
Thank you for responding, your opinion is very valued. How do you
think Romana could be improved? When i write in Romana i can hold a
decent conversation with a Spanish, Portuguese or Italian speaker.
It's funny because my Romana skills are very basic but still useful.
Romana was developed by a native Romanian speaker, Dan Tohatan. I'm
always open to adjustments, is it possible for you to provide me with
some tips?