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Re: Inter-Romance progresas

I was in a library in Bucharest. When the many customers

knew that I was French, they all said enthusiastically

"Je parle français".

Rumanian people are polyglots, so your reasoning is quite 

erroneous, like the rest of your contempt.

Cordially, Jacques


--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Isaac Penzev" <isaacp@...> wrote:
> Jacques Dehée eskrivi:
> | Inter-romance vole ser comprehensibile de omne personas
> | de cultura romance.
> Jo veramente dudo que los Rumanos (ed los Moladavanos) posson 
> otra lengua romança sen aprenderla. Ed la lengua Rumana (que ansi 
> romança) es mulxto estrangya por los otros.
> <<Pentru cîte zile avet,i nevoie de camera? ... Luat,i và rog, 
cheia de la
> camera dumneavoastrà. ... Spunet,i-mi và rog , ce drum duce la 
> es en gran modo un criptograma.
> Indeed I doubt that Roumanians (and Moldavians) can understand 
> Romance language without studying it. The Roumanian language 
(which is
> Romance, too) is very odd for he others.
> <<[quote RO.]>> is pretty much a cryptogram.
> | Jacques
> Unless you change your pseudo-messianic ambitions, you'll be 
ignored by me
> from now on.
> -- Yitzik