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1000 parolas inter-romance

a, prep. 1. to (a point in space or time, a goal, etc.); 2. at (a 
point in space or time, a stage of development, etc.) 
ab, prep. from
abandonar, v. to abandon, to give up
abater, v. to knock or cast down 
absente, adj. absent 
acto, n. I. act (1. action, deed; 2. "act of a play")
afirmation, n. affirmation
alcun (-a, -o) , indef. pron.  someone, anyone. (= alicuno)
alfabetic, adj. alphabetical  
alfabeticamente, adv. alphabetically
alfabetisar, v. to alphabetize
alfabetisation, n. alphabetization
alfabeto, n. alphabet
alie, adj. other
alien, adj. alien (= differing in nature)
aliquando, adv. at some time or other; at any time
aliquanto, adv. somewhat, to some degree
alora, adv. then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently)
alte, adj. 1. high; 2. loud
alto, n. I. top, upper part; II. [Mus.] alto (1. contralto voice; 2. 
tenor violin)
amar, v. to love; also: to like, be fond of
ambe, adj. both 
ambes, pron. both
ambulante, adj. ambulant)
ambulantia, n. ambulance 
ambular, v. to walk 
ameliorar, v. to improve  
amelioration, n. improvement  
America, npr. America
american, adj. American
american (-a -o) , n. American (1. an inhabitant of North or South 
America; 2. an inhabitant of the United States)   
americanisar, v. to Americanize
americanisation, n. Americanization
amore, n. love
ancora, adv. still
ano, n. year
anque, adv. also, too
ante, prep. before (1. in front of; 2. earlier than)
antena, n. antenna; aerial
anterior, adj. anterior
aparer, v. to appear
apte, adj. apt 
aqua, n. water 
arte, n. art (1. "fine art"; 2. skill)
asi, adv. thus, so; asi . . como as ... as
autonomia, n. autonomy; self-government  
aventura, n. adventure 
balcon, n. balcony
baraca, n. 1. hut; 2. barrack 
barage,  n. I. barrier, bar, obstacle; II. barrage 
barba, n. beard
baricadar, v. to barricade
bastante, adj. enough, sufficient; 3. adv. enough, sufficiently
bastantia, n. sufficiency, enough
bastar, v. to be enough, suffice 
bene, adv. well
biber, v. to drink 
biblioteca, n. library
bis 1. adv. twice 
bone, adj. good; bone! = good! fine! all right!
butero (bú-) n. butter  
cada, adj. each 
cambiar, v. to change
causa, n. cause
cento, num. adj. (a, one) hundred
cento, n. (a, one) hundred  
central, adj. central
centralisar, v. to centralize
centrar, v. to center (= to place or collect at the center)
cepa, n. onion
cerca, n. search 
certe, adj. certain 
cristian, adj. Christian
cinco, num. five
cinema, n. cinema
cinquanta, num. fifty
circa, adv. about
clar, adj. clear 
clarificar, v. to clarify  
clarification, n. clarification 
clave, n. 1. key
climatic, adj. climatic
climatisar, v. to air-condition
climatisation, n. air-conditioning
climatologia, n. climatology
climatologic, adj. climatological
comentar, v. to comment on, upon 
comentator (-a -o) , n. commentator (= writer of a commentary on a 
comento, n. comment, criticism   
como, conj. like 
como, adv. how  
complication, n. complication
complice (-a -o) n. accomplice  
complicita, n. complicity
complimentar, v. to compliment
comprar, v. to buy  
con, prep. with
confrontation, n. confrontation 
congelar, v. to congeal 
congelation, n. congealment, congelation
congelator, n. congealer
construction, n. construction
continental, adj. continental 
continento, n. continent
contra, I. prep. 1. opposite, facing; 2. against; II. adv 1. 
opposite, facing, etc.; 2. on the contrary
convention, n. convention
coordinar, v. to coordinate
coordination, n. coordination
coordinator (-a -o) , n. coordinator  
corecte, adv. correct
corectemente, adv. correctly 
corectesa, n. correctness
corection, n. correction 
corte, adj. court  
cosa, n. thing 
costo, n. cost (= price paid or charged)
crater, n. crater 
cravata, n. necktie, scarf, cravat   
crear, v. to create
creder, v. to believe 
cristianismo, n. Christianity 
da, v. give, gives
data, n. date ("date according to the calendar"). 
de, prep. of
deber, v. 1. to have to, be supposed to, etc. (must, shall, ought); 
2. to owe
decenio, n. decade (= period of ten years)
decente, adj. decent   
decentemente, adv. decently   
decentia, n. decency
deception, n. deception, deceit
declino, n. decline 
delfin (-a -o) , n. 1. dolphin 
deliberar, v. to deliberate; deliberar sur = to deliberate upon
deliberate, adj. deliberate
deliberatemente, adv. deliberately
deliberation, n. deliberation
depost, adv. afterwards, later
depresion, n. depression
developar, v.  to develop
devenir, v. to become 
deviar, v. to deviate
devotar, v. to devote (= to dedicate, consecrate)  
devote, adj. 1. devout; 2. devotional; devote a = devoted to
devotemente, adv. devoutly 
devotion, n. devotion
diamante, n. diamond   
dicer, v. to say
die, n. day
diminution, n. diminution
disparer, v. to disappear
documentar, v. to document    
documentation, n. documentation  
dominar, v. to dominate 
dominatione, n. domination
donar, v. to give
dono, n. gift (1. present; 2. natural ability).
du, num. two
dum, conj. while, as long as 
dunque, conj. therefore
durante, prep. during; durante que = while, whilst      
e, conj. and
edificar, v. 1. to build (= to erect a building); 2. to edify 
education, n. education
elevation, n. elevation 
elimination, n. elimination
embarasar, v. to embarrass
emplear, v. to employ 
epoca, n. epoch 
equilibrar, v. to balance (= to equilibrate)
equilibrio, n. equilibrium, balance
era, verb  was
eran, verb  were
es, verb  is
esite, p.p. been
estuario, n. estuary
etsi, conj. 1. even if; 2. and yet; 3. though, although
euro, n. euro  
evidente, adj. evident
evolution, n. evolution   
ex, prep. out of
exacte, adj. exact, accurate 
exactemente, adv. exactly
exaltar, v. to exalt 
experte, adj. expert 
explicabile, adj. explainable, explicable
explicar, v. to explain
explicite, adj. explicit (= clearly expressed)
explicitemente, adv. explicitly 
exploder, v. to explode
extra, I. adv 1. without, on the outside; 2. besides, in addition, 
extra; II. prep 1. outside of, without, beyond; 2. excepting, 
except; 3. besides, in addition to.
fa, v. do, does
fabrica, n. 1. factory 
fabricant (-a -o), n. maker, manufacturer   (Le caseo que io 
prefere, es le caseo... de mi patre. Si, si, ile era fabricante de 
caseo (gruyere), como mi grandepatre e mi grande-grandepatre)
fabricar, v. 1. to manufacture, make; 2. to fabricate (as in "to 
fabricate a bridge, book, etc.; also: a story, lie, etc."); 3. to 
fabrication, n. fabrication, manufacture
facie, n. face 
facile, adj. 1. easy (= not difficult); 2. facile (= working with 
factor, n. factor
familia, n. family 
familiarmente, adv. familiarly
fantastic, adj. fantastic, fantastical
far, v. to do
fatal, adj. fatal 
fatiga, n. fatigue, weariness
festino, n. feast (= entertainment, banquet)
festival, n. festival
festive, adj. festive
festivita, n. festivity
flama, n. flame 
fonetic, adj. phonetic 
foreste, n. forest 
forte, adj. strong  
fortia n force 
fortuna, n. fortune (1. chance, luck; 2. wealth, riches)
fosa, n. 1. pit, cavity, grave
fotografia, n. 1. photography; 2. photograph
fragile, adj. I. fragile  
frequentia, n. frequency 
fructo, n. fruit 
function, n. function 
furar, v. to steal
fusil, n. gun, rifle
fusilada, n. fusilade
fusilar, v. to shoot (down), execute, fusilade
galera, n. galley (as in "to condemn to the galleys")
galeria, n. gallery
ganiar, v. 1. to win, gain; 2. to earn; 3. to win or gain over
gente, n. people (1. nation, national group; 2. persons, folk)
geografic, adj. geographical   
grado, n. I. step, stair, rung; II. degree (1. stage, level, grade, 
etc.; 2. unit of measure for angles, temperature, etc.); III. [Mil., 
Acad. etc.] degree, rank
grama, n. gram
gramatica, n. grammar
gramatical, adj. grammatical
grande, adj. great
grano, n. I. grain, corn
gratitude, n. gratitude
gratuite, adj. gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, 
gratuitemente, adv. gratuitously
gratular, v. to express joy at (someone's good fortune), congratulate
grimasar, v. to grimace, make (wry) faces
grimase, n. grimace, (wry) face
gripe, n. grippe
gris, adj. gray, grey
gris, n. gray, grey
gustar, v. 1. to taste (= to perceive by the sense of taste); 2. to 
enjoy, relish
ha, verb has
haber, v. to have (1. to own, possess; 2. grammatical function: 
auxiliary, forming the perfect tenses)
had, v. had 
han, v. have (plural)
hasardo, n. hazard (1. risk, peril; 2. chance)
heroismo, n. heroism
hiberno, n. winter 
ho, verb I have
hom (-a, -o), n. human being, woman, man
hora, n. hour
ibi, adv. there 
idiotia, n. idiocy
il, impers. pron. it 
iles, impers. pron. they, them (neutral.) 
ila, pers. pron. she, her 
ilas, pers. pron. they (fem.), them (fem.)
ilo, pers. pron. he, him 
ilos, pers. pron. they (masc.), them (masc.)
image, n. image
imaginabile, adj. imaginable
imaginar, v.  1. to imagine; 2. to devise, invent   
imaginari, adj. imaginary
imagination, n. imagination   
imaginative, adj. imaginative  
impatiente, adj. impatient
impatientemente, adv. impatiently
impatientia, n. impatience
implantar, v. to implant 
importante, adj. important
importation, n. importation, import
importator (-a -o) , n. importer
importune, adj. importune, importunate
improductive, adj. unproductive
in, prep. in, into
incomplete, adj. incomplete
incompletemente, adv. incompletely
incomprehensibile, adj. incomprehensible
incomprehensibilemente, adv. incomprehensibly
incomprehensibilita, n. incomprehensibility
incomprehension, n. incomprehension  
indecision, n. indecision
inexplicabile, adj. inexplicable 
infantia, n. 1. babyhood; 2. childhood  
inferior, adj. 1. lower; 2. inferior   
infidel, adj. 1. unfaithful; 2. infidel  
infra 1. adv. below, underneath, beneath; 2. prep. below, under, 
inquiete, adj. inquiet, unquiet
inquietude, n. inquietude, disquietude
insecto, n. insect  
insincere, adj. insincere
insinceremente, adv. insincerely
insincerita, n. insincerity
insinuar, v. to insinuate
instruction, n. I. instruction 
instrumento, n. instrument 
intelectual, adj. intellectual
inteligente, adj. intelligent    
intention, n. intention  
inter, prep. 1. between; 2. among
interior, adj. interior; also: inside, inner
introducer, v. to introduce 
inverse, adj. inverse
inversemente, adv. inversely
inversion, n. inversion
inverso, n. inverse
io, pron. pers. I  
iregular, adj. irregular    
iste, dem. adj.  this; these
ja, adv. already; at once, right away; just now
jetar, v. to throw
joco, n. 1. play, game (as in "the play of children," "the game of 
chess," etc.); 2. playing, gaming, gambling; 3. game (= set of 
things needed to play a game)
judicamento, n. judgment 
judicar, v. to judge
juvene, adj. young 
labor, n. work
laborar, v. to work 
laboratorio, n. laboratory 
laboriose, adj. laborious (1. hard-working, industrious; 2. 
requiring hard work, toilsome)
lacrima, n. tear
lacte, n. milk
lamina, n. lamina; blade
large, adj. 1. broad, wide; 2. liberal, openhanded
lasar, v. I. to leave (I. to allow to remain in some place or state; 
2. to commit, entrust, hand over); II. to let
lateral, adj. lateral
le, art. the
legal, adj. legal
legalita, n. legality, lawfulness
legalisar, v. to legalize (= to make legal, render legally valid)
legalisation, n. legalization
legenda, n. legend 
legere, adj. 1. light (= of little weight); 2. slight, trifling; 3. 
superficial, shallow; 4. nimble, agile, fleet
lentemente, adv. slowly
lentor, n. slowness
libere, adj. free
liberemente, adv. freely   
libro, n. book 
limitar, v. to limit
limpide, adj. limpid 
lingua, n. 1. [Anat.] tongue; 2. language, tongue 
linguistic, adj. linguistic
linguistica, n. linguistics
linguisticamente, adv. linguistically
liquido, n. liquid 
litera, n. letter (1. "letter of the alphabet"; 2. epistle)
local, n. premises, quarters, etc.
localisar, v. to localize   
localisation, n. localization  
longe, adj. long 
lontane, adj. distant, far-off  
lor, adj. their (neutral)
lora, adj. their (fem.)
loro, adj. their (masc.)
lume, n. light 
luna, n. moon
luta, n. 1. wrestling; 2. struggle, fight 
ma, conj. but
magazine, n. 1. warehouse, storehouse; 2. store, shop; 3. magazine 
(of military supply); 4 magazine (= entertaining periodical for the 
general reader)
maladia, n. illness, sickness
mancar, v. to be lacking    
maniera, n. manner, way 
mantelo, n. coat, mantle, cloak 
marea, n. tide
marine, adj. marine (= of the sea)
maritage, n. marriage  
marital, adj. marital
maritar, v. to marry (= to unite in wedlock); maritar se = to marry 
(= to get married)  
matino, n. morning 
mayo, n. May
me, pron. me, to me 
mea, poss. adj. my
mecenato, n. patronage, sponsorship
medalia, n. medal
medaliar, v. to award a medal to
medie, adj. 1. half; 2. middle; 3. average
meditar, v. I. to meditate 
meditation, n. meditation
meditative, adj. meditative   
memorar, v. to remember 
menar, v. to lead, guide, conduct  
mesmo, adv. 1. likewise; 2. even 
mesura, n. measure
metodic, adj. methodical
metodicamente, adv. methodically  
metodo, n. method 
metric, adj. 1. metric 
microscopic, adj. microscopic
microscopio, n. microscope
midi, n. 1. noon; 2. south
mil, num. thousand
miniatura, n. miniature   
minimo, n. minimum  
minor, adj. minor (1. lesser, smaller; 2. [Law] under age 
minus, adv. less
miraculo, n. miracle
miraculose, adj. miraculous
miraculosemente, adv. miraculously
mirage, n. mirage
mitic, adj. mythical
mobile, adj. mobile 
moderne, adj. modern
molino, n. mill (= machine for grinding grain, etc.) 
monte, n. mountain, mount 
morder, v. to bite
morte, adj. dead  
morte, n. death 
mosquito, n. mosquito 
multe, adj. 1. much; 2. many
mundial, adj. worldwide 
mundo, n world 
mustarda, n. mustard 
mute, adj. mute, dumb, silent
musica, n. music 
nasal, adj. nasal 
naso, n. nose 
nation, n. nation 
national, adj. national  
natura, n. nature
nave, n. 1. ship; 2. [Arch.] nave; nave transversal = [Arch.] 
negar, v. to deny
negatione, n. negation
negativa, n. negative (= negative proposition, statement, reply, 
negative, adj. negative (1. not affirmative; 2. not positive)  
neglecte, adj. neglected
negligente, 1. ppr. of negliger; 2. adj. negligent
negligentia, n. negligence   
negotiant (-a -o) , n. merchant, dealer, etc. (= one engaged in 
negotiation, n. negotiation, negotiating    
negotiator (-a -o), n. negotiator
ni, conj. neither, nor, also not; ni ... ni neither ... nor
nido, n. nest 
nihil, pron. nothing
nive, n. snow
nivelo, n. level  
no, adv. no
nocte, n. night 
nodar, v. to knot
nodo, n. I. knot 
nomar, v. to name, to call
nome, n. name
non, adv. ne
nonobstante 1. prep. despite, in spite of; 2. adv. nevertheless   
nostre, poss. adj. our
notation, n. notation
note, adj. known
notificar, v. to notify
notification, n. notification
notion, n notion (= concept, idea); notiones = smattering, general 
nove, adj. new 
novem, num. nine
numero, n. number
nus, pers. pron. we, us
obedir, v. to obey
objecto, n. object 
obligation, n. obligation  
observation, n. observation
Oceania, npr. Oceania
oceanian, adj. Oceanian
oceanian (-a -o) , n. Oceanian
oceanic, adj. oceanic (= of the ocean) 
octo, num. eight
oferer, v. to offer
omne, adj. I. all (1. as in "all the cheese"; 2. as in "all the 
books"); II. every, each
opera, n. 1. work (as in "hard work"); 2. opera; also: opera house
operar v I. to effect, work; II. to operate (1. to work, function; 
2. [Mil.]); III. [Surg.] to operate upon 
opinion, n. opinion
ora, adv. now
ordine, n. order (1. arrangement, disposition; 2. [Arch.]; 3. 
ortografia, n. orthography 
osar, v. to dare
osate, adj. daring
pace, n. peace 
pacific, adj. pacific  
pane, n. bread
papa, n. 1. papa, daddy; 2. Pope
paradiso, n. paradise 
paradoxal, adj. paradoxical
paradoxalmente, adv. paradoxically
paradoxo, n. paradox
parente, n. relative    
parlar, v. to speak, talk  
particular, adj. I. particular (1. individual, personal, peculiar; 
2. special); II. private
pasar, v. I. to pass (1. to move or go along; 2. to hand; 3. as 
in "to pass a law, judgment, etc."); II. to spend, pass (a certain 
time); III. to cross (= to move or go across)
pasatempo, n. pastime
pasato, n. past
pastor, n. 1. shepherd; 2. pastor; also: minister, parson 
patiente, adj. patient
patinage, n. (act or art of) skating  
patinar, v. to skate
patinator (-a -o) , n. skater   
patron (-a -o) , n. patron
pausa, n. 1. pause (= temporary cessation of activity); 2. [Mus.] 
pausar, v. to pause (= to make a pause)
pedagogia, n. pedagogy
pejor, adj. worse; (le) pejor = (the) worst
pena, n. 1. pain; 2. penalty, punishment; 3. difficulty, trouble 
per, prep. by
perfecte, adj. perfect
permiter, v. to permit, allow  
perque, adv./conj. 1. why (= for what reason); 2. because
persister, v. to persist 
person (-a, -o), n. person
personal, adj. personal   
personalmente, n. personally 
persuader, v. to persuade
persuasion, n. persuasion (1. act of persuading; 2. state of being 
persuasive, adj. persuasive
peso, n. I. weight (1. heaviness; 2. amount determined by weighing; 
3. piece of metal, etc. used in weighing) 
petite, adj. little, small
piano, n. piano, pianoforte
pirat (-a -o) , n. pirate (= one who commits piracy)
piratar, v. to pirate, commit piracy
pirateria, n. piracy
placiar, v. to place
plauder, v. to applaud
plene, adj. full
plural, n. plural
plus 1. more; 2. plus 
pluver, v. to rain
pluvia, n. rain 
poco, adj. 1. little (= not much); 2. few (= not many)
poetic, adj. poetic; poetical 
pomo, n. apple
poner, v. to put, place, lay
ponte, n. bridge
populo, n. people (1. race, nation; 2. "common people")
porcelana, n. porcelain, china
portar, v. to bear, carry
posa, n. I. pose (1. attitude of the body, etc.; 2. mental attitude)
posibile, adj. possible
post I. adv 1. behind, back, backwards; 2. afterwards, after; II. 
prep behind; after; 
post que since, because
poter, v. 1. to be able to (= can); 2. to be allowed to (= may)
povre, adj. poor 
precarita, n. precariousness
precedente, adj. precedent  
prefixo, n. prefix  
prenome, n. first name
prension, n. (act or action of) taking
preocupar, v. I. to prejudice, bias; II. to preoccupy (1. to take 
possession of before others; 2. to take up all the attention of); 
preocupar se de = to be preoccupied with
preparar, v. to prepare (= to make ready)
preparation, n. preparation (1. act of preparing; 2. [Chem.; Pharm., 
preparative, adj. preparatory 
president (-a -o) , n. (one who presides) chairman, president, 
presiding judge
previsibile, adj. foreseeable
prevision, n. prevision, foresight 
prime, adj. first, prime
pro, prep. for
problema, n. problem 
proclamar, v. to proclaim
proclamation, n. proclamation
profesor (-a -o) , n. professor
profilo, n. profile 
profitabile, adj. profitable
profitar, v. to profit 
programa, n. program
programabile, adj. programmable
programar, v. to program
progreso, n. progress 
prolongabile, adj. prolongable
prolongamento, n. prolongment, prolongation; also: (act of) 
prolongar, v. to prolong; also: to lengthen
prolongation, n. prolongation
propagation, n. propagation
proportione, n. proportion 
proportional, adj. proportional
proportionalmente, adv. proportionally
proposito, n. purpose
proprie, adj. 1. proper (= appropriate); 2. own
prosa, n. prose 
prostitut (-a, -o), n. prostitute
prostitution, n. prostitution
pumpa, n. pump 
pumpar, v. to pump 
punctual, adj. 1. exact, punctilious; 2. punctual
punctualita, n. 1. exactness, punctiliousness; 2. punctuality
punctualmente, adv. punctiliously, punctually
punctuar, v. to punctuate
punctuation, n. punctuation  
punir, v. to punish
punition, n. punishment    
punitive, adj. punitive
pur, adj. pure
puresa, n. pureness
purga, n. purge
purgar, v. to purge 
qua, inter. pron. what
qualcune, adj. some, any; also: a few
qualcunque, adj. any, whatever, of whatever kind   
quale, 1. adj. which, what; 2. interr. pron. which
qualita, n. quality
quando, adv. when
quante, adj. how much, how many
quartiero, n. quarter 
que, conj. that; than
question, n. question 
qui, pron. who
racia, n. race
racial, adj. racial 
racismo, n. racialism, racism
racist (-a -o) , n. racialist, racist
radio, n. radio 
rare, adj. 1. thin (as in "thin hair, thin grass etc."); 2. rare (= 
not frequent; also: exceptional, excellent)
ration, n. I. reason (1. reasoning faculty; 2. as in "reason for, 
why," etc.)
rational, adj. rational
reager, v. to react
real, adj. reale
realita, n. reality
realistic, adj. realistic 
realmente, adv. really   
rebel, adj. rebellious
rebel (-a -o) , n. rebel 
rebelion, n. rebellion
receptivita, n. receptivity, receptiveness
receptor, n. receiver [Teleph., Radio, etc.] receiving apparatus)
receptor (-a -o) , n. receiver (one who receives; also: [Fin., etc.] 
recerca, n. search, investigation
reciprocal, adj. reciprocal
reciprocamente, adv. reciprocally
recolta, n. harvest, crop(s)
recoltar, v. to harvest, reap, gather in
recomendar, v. to recommend
recompensar, v. to recompense
rectangular, adj. rectangular
rectangulo, n. rectangle
recte, adj. straight
recular, v. I. to back (= to move or draw back); II. to recoil (1. 
to retreat; 2. to shrink back
reflexion, n. reflection, reflexion 
refutabile, adj. refutable
refutar, v. to refute
refutation, n. refutation
regal, adj. regal
region, n. region
registrar, v. to register
regnar, v. to reign
reimplaciamento, n. replacement (= action of replacing)
reimplaciant (-a -o) , n. substitute (= person who replaces another)
reimplaciar, v. to replace  
relatar, v. to relate (= to give an account of, to tell)
relation, n. relation
religion, n. religion
remarcabile, adj. remarkable  
remarcabilemente, adv. remarkably
remarcar, v. 1. to mark again; 2. to remark (= to notice)
remorso, n. remorse
remote, adj. remote, distant   
renunciamento, n. renouncement
renunciar, v. to renounce
renunciation, n. renunciation
repercusion, n. repercussion
repetition, n. repetition 
reporto, n. report, account    
reposar, v. to repose 
reposo, n. rest, repose 
reprisa, n. 1. retaking, recapture, recovery; 2. resumption, 
reproducer, v. to reproduce
reproduction, n. reproduction
respectabile, adj. respectable   
respectabilemente, adv. respectably
respectabilita, n. respectability
respectar, v. to respect
respective, adj. respective  
respectivemente, adv. respectively
respecto, n. respect (1. esteem, deferential regard; 2. relation, 
respirar, v. to breathe
responsabile, adj. responsible 
resume, n. résumé
resumer, v. to sum up, summarize
retirar, v. to withdraw, take away
retrete, n. retreat, withdrawal 
retro, adv. back (1. backwards; 2. ago; 3. as in "to give back"); a 
retro = backwards
revelar, v. 1. to reveal; 2. [Photog.] to develop
revelation, n. revelation
revender, v. to resell
revendita, n. resale
revenditor (-a -o) , n. reseller
revenir, v. 1. to come again; 2. to come back, return
reviver, v. to revive (= to recover life)
ric, adj. rich
richesa, n. 1. wealth; 2. richness
rider, v. to laugh 
rigide, adj. rigid, stiff
rigidita, n. rigidity, stiffness
rigor, n. rigor
ris, n. rice. Hence: riseria; risiera
risada, n. burst of laughter
riscar, v. to risk, run the risk of  
risco, n. risk, hazard, peril
riscose, adj. risky
Roma, npr. Rome   
royal, adj. royal
royalismo, n. royalism
royalist (-a -o) , n. royalist
ruptura, n. rupture, breaking
rural, adj. rural 
saco, n. sack, bag
sadismo, n. sadism
sadist (-a -o) , n. sadist
saga, n. saga 
sagacita, n. sagacity
sage, adj. wise
sagemente, adv. wisely
sagesa, n. wisdom, sageness
salata, n. salad 
salsicia, n. sausage  
salutation, n. salutation, greeting 
sanction, n. sanction 
sane, adj. I. healthy (1. in good health; 2. healthful, wholesome); 
II. sane (= mentally sound)
saper, v. to know
saper, n. knowledge, learning
satis, adv. 1. enough; 2. rather, somewhat
savage, adj. savage, wild
scopo, n. 1. target, mark; 2. object, aim 
scriber, v. to write
seculo, n. century
secunda, n. second (1. 1/60 of a minute; 2. 1/3600 of a degree of an 
secunde, adj. second 
secundo, prep. 1. (following) after; 2. along, by; 3. according to; 
secundo que = according as    
sena, n. I. stage (1. "stage of a theater"; 2. theater, art of the 
theater); II. scene (1. unit of dramatic action; 2. place of action; 
also: setting; 3. as in "to make a scene")
senator (-a -o) , n. senator
senatorial, adj. senatorial
senile, adj. senile 
senilita, n. senility
senior, adj. senior, older
senior, n. 1. senior, elder; 2. lord; 3. sir
sensation, n. sensation
sensibile, adj. I. perceptible, sensible; II. sensitive
sensual, adj. sensual 
separabile, adj. separable
separar, v. to separate
ser, v. be (infinitive)
severe, adj. severe 
severemente, adv. severely
severita, n. severity, severeness
sexo, n. sex
si, adv. yes
si, conj. if
signo, n. sign
silaba, n. syllable
silentio, n. silence 
silentiose, adj. silent 
silentiosemente, adv. silently
simbolo, n. symbol 
simfonia, n. [Mus.] symphony
sin, prep. without
sincere, adj. sincere 
sinceremente, adv. sincerely
sinistre, adj. 1. left (= not right); 2. sinister (= threatening, 
sinonime, adj. synonymous
sinonimia, n. synonymy (= quality of being synonymous)
sinonimic, adj. synonymic, synonymical
sinonimo, n. synonym
sintese, n. synthesis
sistematic, adj. systematic
sistematicamente, adv. systematically  
sistematisare, v. systematize
sistematisation, n. systematization
sito, n. site 
skeleto, n. skeleton
sobre, adj. sober (= temperate, not given to excesses or extremes)
sobremente, adv. soberly
sobrieta, n. soberness, sobriety, temperateness
soce, n. sauce, gravy
sociabile, adj. sociable
social, adj. social
soldat (-a -o) , n. soldier
solmente, adv. only, merely
solution, n. solution
somno, n. sleep 
son, v. are
sonar, v. I. to sound; also: to ring); II. to play (an instrument).
soniar, v. to dream 
sonio, n. dream   
sovente, adv. repeatedly, frequently, often 
specialisation, n. specialization
specialmente, adv. specially, especially
specific, adj. specific
sperantia, n. hope  
spirito, n. spirit
spiritual, adj. spiritual
spontane, adj. spontaneous
spontanemente, adv. spontaneously  
spontaneita, n. spontaneity, spontaneousness
statistic, adj. statistical
statistica, n. statistics ("science of statistics")
stato, n. state 
stela, n. star 
stilisar, v. to stylize, conventionalize
stilisation, n. stylization
stilo, n. style
stomaco (stó-) n. stomach 
strategia, n. strategy  
studiant (-a -o), n. student  
su, adj. its
sua, adj. her
sub, prep. under, below, beneath
sublime, adj. sublime
submision, n. submission
subscriber, v. to subscribe
subsistentia, n. subsistence
subsister, v. to subsist
suburbio, n. suburb
subvention, n. subvention
subversion, n. subversion (= overthrow)
sudar, v. to sweat, perspire 
suficer, v. to suffice, be sufficient
suficiente, adj. sufficient   
suficientemente, adv. sufficiently  
suo, adj. his
super  I. prep. 1. on top of; above, over; 2. about, concerning, on; 
II. adv above, on top
suplemento, n. supplement 
suponer, v. to suppose 
suposition, n. supposition
sur, prep. on, upon
surprendente, adj. surprising
surprendentemente, adv. surprisingly
surprender, v. to surprise (1. to take unawares; 2. to astonish)
surprisa, n. surprise
suspectar, v. to suspect
suspecte, adj. suspicious, suspect
suspense, adj. in suspense, in suspension
suspension, n. suspension (= act of suspending)
suspensive, adj. suspending, suspensive
tabaco, n. tobacco 
tactic, adj. tactical
tactica, n. tactics, tactic
tacticamente, adv. tactically
tal, adj. such a, such
talisman, n. talisman
talmente, adv. so
tambur, n. drum 
tango, n. tango  
tapis, n rug, carpet, tapestry 
tasa, n. cup ("teacup", "coffee cup", etc.)
taxi, n. taxi, taxicab
tecnica, n. 1. technics, technology; 2. technique
tecnicamente, adv. technically
tecnicita, n. technicalness, technicality
tecnic (-a -o) , n. technician  
tedio, n. tedium, tediousness
tediose, adj. tedious (= involving tedium) 
telefonar, v. to telephone
telefono, n. telephone     
temperatura, n. temperature  
tempo, n. I. time (1. duration; also: extent or point of time; 2. 
[Mus.]); II. weather; III. [Gram.] tense
temporari, adj. temporary  
temporarimente, adv. temporarily
tender, v. to stretch
tener, v. to hold (something)
tenere, adj. tender (1. soft, not hard or tough; 2. delicate, 
sensitive; 3. affectionate)
teneremente, adv. tenderly
teneresa, n. tenderness (1. softness; 2. sensitiveness; 3. affection)
tentativa, n. attempt, endeavor 
teoric, adj. theoretical
teoricamente, adv. theoretically
tepide, adj. lukewarm, tepid
terestre, adj. terrestrial 
teritorio, n. territory
terminar, v. to terminate, to bring to an end; terminar se = to 
terminate, to come to an end
teror, n. terror
terorismo, n. terrorism
terorist (-a -o), n. terrorist
terra, n. 1. earth; 2. estate, property; terra firme 1. terra firma; 
2. mainland, continent
tesoro, n. 1. treasure
textile, n. textile
texto, n. text 
timor, n. fear
tirar, v. 1. to draw out, stretch; 2. to draw, drag, pull
tocar, v. to touch 
tolerabile, adj. tolerable (= that can be endured)
tolerante, adj. tolerant
total, adj. total
total, n. total
totalisare, v. to totalize 
totalisatione, n. totalization
totalmente, adv. totally  
totevia, adv. yet, still, nevertheless   
toto, adv. all, quite, wholly
tra, prep. through
traciar, v. to trace
traducibile, adj. translatable
traduction, n. translation
traductor (-a -o) , n. translator
tragedia, n. tragedy   
tragedian (-a -o) , n. tragedian
tragic, adj. tragic, tragical 
traino, n. train
trajectoria, n. trajectory
transgresar, v. to transgress, trespass (against)
transgresion, n. transgression
transgresive, adj. transgressive
transgresor (-a -o) , n. transgressor
transition, n. transition
transitive, adj. transitive
transmision, n. transmission
transmiter, v. to transmit, pass on
transparente, adj. transparent
transparentia, n. transparency  
transportar, v. to transport 
tre, adv. very
trenta, num. thirty 
tri, num. three
trilogia, n. trilogy 
triumfal, adj. triumphal
triumfalmente, adv. triumphally
triumfante, adj. triumphant
triumfantemente, adv. triumphantly
triumfar, v. to triumph 
triumfator (-a -o) , n. triumpher
triumfo, n. triumph
tro, adv. too, too much 
trotoir, n. sidewalk, pavement 
trovar, v. to find   
tu, pron. pers. you [in familiar or informal use; addressing one 
ture, n. 1. tower; 2. [Chess] castle, rook
turismo, n. tourism  
turist (-a -o) , n. tourist 
turistic, adj. touristic   
tus, pron. pers. you [in familiar or informal use; addressing 
several persons]
u, adv. where
ulterior, adj. 1. ulterior, situated beyond, thither; 2. subsequent, 
ulteriormente, adv. later (on), subsequently  
ultimar, v. to bring to a close, to bring to completion
ultimate, adj. ultimate
ultime, adj. last
ultra I. adv. on the other side, beyond, farther; II. prep. 1. on 
the farther side of; beyond, past; 2. besides
un 1. num. one; 2. indef. art. a, an
unanime, adj. unanimous
unanimemente, adv. unanimously
unanimita, n. unanimity
unda, n. wave 
uniforme, adj. uniform. 
uniforme, n. uniform
uniformita, n. uniformity
union, n. union
unir, v. to unite, join, connect
universal, adj. universal
universita, n. university
universo, n. universe 
urban, adj. 1. urban; 2. urbane  
urbanismo, n. town planning, city planning
urbanist (-a -o) , n. 1. city planner; 2. urbanist
urbanita, n. urbanity (1. urbanness; 2. urbaneness)
urgente, adj. urgent
usage, n. 1. use (= act of using); 2. usage, custom
usque, prep. (all the way) to, up to (a point in space or time); 
also: till, until
utile, adj. useful 
utilita, n. utility, usefulness   
va, pr. of vader 1. go, goes; [grammatical function: auxiliary, 
forming the future or immediate future] 
vacantia, n. vacancy (= unoccupied post) 
vacantias, n. vacation, recess
vader, v. to go
vagabund (-a -o) , n. vagabond
vagar, n. to wander about, ramble
valea, n. valley
valer, v. to be worth
valore, n. 1. value, worth; 2. valor
varie, adj. various
varieta, n. variety
venerdi, n. Friday
venir, v. to come
vento, n. wind
verbo, n. verb
verde, adj. green 
vere, adj. true
verita, n. truth; verity
verso, prep. toward(s); also: to, in the direction of 
vertical, adj. vertical
vespere, n. evening
vetul (-a -o) n. old person
vetule, adj. old (1. not young; 2. not new) 
vetulesa, n. 1. old age; 2. oldness 
vetusta, n. 1. old age; oldness; 2. antiqueness
vetuste, adj. 1. very old; 2. antiquated
vexar, v. to vex, annoy, irritate. Hence: vexation; vexator; vexatori
vexation, n. vexation, irritation
via, n. way
viagiar, v. to travel 
vibration, n. vibration    
victoria, n. victory 
vider, v. to see
vincer, v. to vanquish, overcome
vincitor (-a -o) , n. victor
vino, n. wine
vinti, num. twenty
violente, adj. violent 
visita, n. visit  
vita, n. life 
vitamina, n. vitamin 
vocabulario, n. vocabulary
vocale, n. vowel 
voce, n. voice  
voler, v. to wish, want
vostre, poss. adj. your
vu, pron I. pers you, in polite or formal use; addressing one person 
vus, pron I. pers you, in polite or formal use; addressing several 
zero, n. zero  
zona, n. zone

Amicalmente, Jacques