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Re: Paroli vu un dil 23 linguos oficiala dil Uniono europa ? (exemplos di Sintezo)


I thank you very much dear Scotto for the list.

If you like the archives of Linguamundi Yahoo Grupo

contain many multilingual interesting files.

Best regards,



--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Scotto Hlad" <scott.hlad@...> 
> O eto loce una liste des nomes des naþèmua lun website Romconlang. 
Eu e en
> angliþu et en franþu.
> J'ai place une liste des nommes des pays au website Romconlang. 
C'est en
> anglais et en francais.
> I have put a list of country names on the Romconlang website. It 
is in
> English and in French.
> Scotto
>   _____  
> From: romconlang@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:romconlang@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Jacques Dehée
> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 5:03 AM
> To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [romconlang] Re: Paroli vu un dil 23 linguos oficiala dil 
> europa ? (exemplos di Sintezo)
> Bunudes, Scotto,
> Thank you for your very kind message.
> If you please is it possible to create a file in romconlang
> giving the names of the countries and their languages ?
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Jacques
> *
> --- In romconlang@yahoogro <mailto:romconlang%40yahoogroups.com> 
> "Scotto Hlad" <scott.hlad@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Bunudes, Jacques,
> > Thanks for the sample. All those countries and languages. I took 
> listing
> > from the UN's website and went through and coined all the names 
> > Regimonti. I have about half of them in my lexicon right now (as 
> it is very
> > boring to cut and paste all of that). My conlang is spoken in a 
> European
> > country that would be a part of the EU. The English name of the 
> country is
> > Regimontus and its native name is Rejmona. The language is 
> Regimonti in
> > English and its native name is Rumans,a. (I'd kill for that s-
> cedilla to
> > work in all emails!) I guess I like to see how my conlang fits 
> into your
> > list.
> > If anyone would need a list of country names for their conlangs, 
> can
> > provide the one I have as a txt file.
> > Atu reveor,
> > Scotto
> > 
> > _____ 
> > 
> > From: romconlang@yahoogro <mailto:romconlang%40yahoogroups.com> 
> [mailto:romconlang@yahoogro <mailto:romconlang%40yahoogroups.com> 
> On
> > Behalf Of Jacques Dehée
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:13 AM
> > To: romconlang@yahoogro <mailto:romconlang%40yahoogroups.com> 
> > Subject: [romconlang] Paroli vu un dil 23 linguos oficiala dil 
> Uniono europa
> > ? (exemplos di Sintezo)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Saluto!
> > 
> > Paroli vu un dil 23 linguos oficiala (en januaro 2007)
> > dil Uniono europa ?
> > 
> > generale un anglo habiti Anglia e paroli anglezo 
> > generale un bulgaro habiti Bulgaria e paroli bulgaro 
> > generale un cheko habiti Chekia e paroli cheko 
> > generale un dano habiti Dania e paroli danezo 
> > generale un eslovako habiti Eslovakia e paroli eslovako 
> > generale un esloveno habiti Eslovenia e paroli esloveno 
> > generale un espaniolo habiti Espania e paroli espaniolo
> > generale un estoniano habiti Estonia e paroli estoniano
> > generale un finno o finlandano habiti Finlando e paroli finno
> > generale un francezo habiti Francia e paroli francezo
> > generale un germano habiti Germania e paroli germano
> > generale un greko habiti Grecia e paroli greko
> > generale un hungaro habiti Hungaria e paroli hungaro 
> > generale un irlandano habiti Irlando e ofte paroli gaeliko 
> > generale un italiano habiti Italia e paroli italiano 
> > generale un latviano habiti Latvia e paroli latviano
> > generale un lituaniano habiti Lituania e paroli lituaniano 
> > generale un maltezo habiti Malta e paroli maltezo
> > generale un nederlandano habiti Nederlando e paroli nederlandezo 
> > generale un polonezo habiti Polonia e paroli polonezo
> > generale un portugezo habiti Portugal e paroli portugezo
> > generale un rumano habiti Rumania e paroli rumano 
> > generale un suedo habiti Suedia e paroli suedezo 
> > 
> > komentos ?
> > 
> > (Sintezo esi un sintezo sucesa di Interlingua, Ido e Esperanto)
> > 
> > Kore, Jacques
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]