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Re: language names - adverbs?


Peter wrote:
> Well, first and foremost, Henrik, I do hope you don't mind me having
> used the name and that you would be gracious in letting me continue
> to use it.

Of course you may use the name, it's all in the public domain :-)

BTW, this is a joint project of a friend of mine (who uses the
pseudonym Bjï¿œrn Markus on that page) and myself -- he does the
conhistory, and I do the linguistics.  It's a lot of fun!

> (If I ever decide to lay down some conculture it may well be, should
> the Hapsburgs leave the scene, that the first President of the
> Reanan Republic has a name not too dissimilar to yours.)

Wow!  Too much honour!

> Finally, yes, of course I read it!  I told you it was
> lovely.  Those I-umlauts are a bitch though, huh?
> Certainly causing me a headache here, further south.

I-umlauts, u-umlauts, a-umlauts.  Of course, the i-umlaut is short for
i-umlaut, j-umlaut, R-umlaut and combinatorial palatal umlaut and
u-umlaut is short for u-umlaut and w-umlaut.  And they happen early
and/or late and/or in between, etc.

Headache?  Yes.

The worst thing is: however irregular my noun and verb paradigms
become by all the sound shifts, they will never kick ass like the real
Icelandic ones. :-)

The ï¿œrjï¿œtrun project is very inspiring for me.

> I just find the idea of Romans in Iceland so amusing.  I can see
> them all shivering in woolly togas, after they get out of geothermal
> baths, wondering what they did wrong to get posted so far north!


And how angry they get because their vines just don't grow well.
