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Re: [romconlang] word creation

I usually just say "make".  "Made up" sounds at least
to my non-native ears like "forged" or "not real".

Peter Collier skrev:
with regard to anything a posteriori, I always think
"extrapolate" - since you're starting from a known
point and applying regular changes to arrive at a
hypothetical result.

For a priori, "make up" seems quite succint, if a
little unglamorous....

Pete C.

--- Scotto Hlad <scott.hlad@hidden.email> wrote:

Do we have a conlanging word that means specifically
"to create a word and
place it in the lexicon?" I always feel that the
word "create" falls short
as in the case of my main conglang opus right now, I
have parent language to
work with. Perhaps the definition may have to even
be specific to a priori
and a posteriori languages. The pharse "make up"
feels to  general as one
"makes up" many different things. If the word does
not exist, what
suggestions do you have?

I feel that something akin to "lexicate" may work.

Ideas, suggestions??

/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se

   "Maybe" is a strange word.  When mum or dad says it
   it means "yes", but when my big brothers say it it
   means "no"!

                           (Philip Jonsson jr, age 7)