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Re: [romconlang] Benencontrati (well met)

--- italocarune <italocarune@hidden.email> wrote:

> Benencontrati e chao. Thought I'd introduce
> myself. You probably don't know of Carune, my 
> romance conlang, though you might. I find
> myself intrigued by your abbreviation. I had 
> previously coined the term "romlang", which is
> somewhat shorter. But yours is clearer.

Benvenuto! I took a look at the grammar page. It
looks more inspired by Italian than by Spanish --
what differentiates it from Italian?

Regarding the abbreviation: it was chosen to
avoid the unfortunate spam magnet that the old
"romance conlang" list has become. Most of the
posts there are from sex oriented spammers, so
don't bother subscribing to that list. "Romlang"
is indeed a well known abbreviation for "Romance
conlang"; it's several years old by now, though I
couldn't give an exact date of its first

Are your conlangs part of a larger fictional
(either concultural or alt-historical) setting?

Ouel, bengoueneth do ti a Charune. Asty mer poz
attroupar-si yen log dack pery feaire parlier!
> For those interested, more information may be
> found here:
> http://wiki.frath.net/Carune
> http://wiki.frath.net/Monzo

> Chao!
> Italo-Carune

Camifi, Marusi, teterani, tester fuferios asteros; tamenio
vem Persaecion empuriase ed ec pasem emduriase!
    --Pomperios Perfurios.


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