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Padraic Brown skrev:
--- Henrik Theiling <theiling@hidden.email> wrote:3. Later Latin often used the neuter adjective as an adverb, which survives in Rum., S It. ("mi dunanu sulu" they only give me...), and colloquial Sp. ("hablas ligero" you talk quickly).This is another interesting information, since this brings me close to Icelandic.I think this is simply a common IE feature. We have it in English too: "you talk fast".
Surely. It occurs in Sanskrit too.
Icelandic also two major ways to form the adverbs: one adding -lega, and one using the neuter form.English, of course, has -ly and the plain adjective form (as we no longer have gender).
In Swedish -ligen, the cognate of -lega, is unfortunately non-productive and restricted to a few words, _verkligen_ and _egentligen_, both representing different shades of "really", being the only common ones. ObRomlang: Slvanjek uses -m�tj < MENTE but also -mod. Earlier I had -modu, but the fact pointed out by Ray that the ablative merged into the accusative very early has prompted me to change my mind. -- /BP 8^)> -- Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se "Maybe" is a strange word. When mum or dad says it it means "yes", but when my big brothers say it it means "no"! (Philip Jonsson jr, age 7)