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Re: [romconlang] estar vs. ser

--- Henrik Theiling <theiling@hidden.email> wrote:

> > How did estar and ser come to be separate
> > verbs in languages such as
> > Portuguese, Spanish and Galician? French
> > seems to combine them in etre
> > (which no doubt would have been estre in
> > older times). Did I miss something
> > in high-school Latin class? Or is this more a
> > function of Vulgar Latin that
> > I missed out on as well?
> Well, estar < L. stare, ser < PRom. *essere <
> L. esse.  They were two verbs in Latin.
> Or is it not this simple bit of information you
> were looking for and
> instead, you are aiming at a somewhat more deep
> analysis?

I think what he's getting at is how did CL stare,
"stand", come to be used as Sp. estar, "be"?

Yes, they were two different verbs in Classical
Latin, and stare is not used like esse! It's
certainly in the realm of the Vulgar Latin /
Proto Romance that (e)stare gets a facelift. Or a
promotion, if you will.

> **Henrik

manstapurncanar! Horcyasomto! Stat-he sactasawetarams harct-ca!
Ff�tyata-na �erewatyata-na-he! samctan camtar-co yesam.

Wisdom! Hear! Stand up, be quiet and listen to the Gospel! Be quiet
and stop moving about! Peace be with you all...

[Divine Liturgy of St. Thomas, Teleran]

Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
