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"habarakhe4" nevesht:
I was reading Tacitus, and I noted that under Nero, the months of April, May, and June were called Neroneus [ne:'ro:neus] or less likely [ne:ro:'ne:us], Germanicus [germa:'ni:kus], and Claudius [klaudius]. I wonder if the Fortunatians had kept this and what they would look likein 2006. Then I wondered about the languages of the rest of you.
Romaencz forms would be: ne:'ro:neus > neronh /nerOJ/ ne:ro:'ne:us > neroneu /neron2/ germa:'ni:kus > germanyg /dZErmanyg/klaudius > lhaog' /jOdZ/ , more latinate forms craog' /krOdZ/ ,claody /klOdy/
they wouldn't be used as months though months genaorh /dZenOZ/ febraorh /fEbrOz/ maorcz /mOrtS/ abril /abril/ maogg' /mOdZ/ gynh /dZyJ/ giulh /dZuj/ agost /agOSt/ settenh /sEttEJ/ or septiember /sEptjEmb@r/ oceunh /otS2J/ or octoeber /Okt2b@r/ novenh /novEJ/ or noviember /novjEmb@r/ decenh /detSEJ/ or deciember /detSjEmb@r/ --Wayne Chevrier